A man died in Tbilisi who set himself on fire on July 2 in protest against the existence of LGBT people in Georgia...

A man died in Tbilisi who set himself on fire on July 2 in protest against the existence of LGBT people in Georgia. The activist, who received 70 percent of the body burns, the doctors failed to save.

Let me remind you:
In Georgia, gay parades, gay propaganda have recently been legalized, and there are even laws that prohibit discrimination against LGBT people!
These were the demands of the West!

Attached: 2560px-LGBT_flag_map_of_Georgia.svg.png (2560x1312, 63.24K)

All homophobes should have their throats slit.

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US is the great satan, it forces you to accept sodomy and pedarasy.

>faggot does what it's made for
>kindling fires
This is bad how?

Georgians are now officially the first Caucasians who were bent by LGBT

Attached: 2021-07-26T145903Z_1_LYNXMPEH6P12S_RTROPTP_4_GEORGIA-LGBT-PRIDE-scaled.jpg (900x614, 79.14K)

get fucked in the ass by 10 bald guys faggot

Theyre in the cute acceptance phase of LGBT bullshit. Give it 20 years and theyll be having full on fag parades with anal fisting just like the US.


Attached: Eurasia_far-right-brief-georgia-protest_GettyImages-168926760.jpg (710x397, 46.82K)

how cute. Georgians need to protest agaisnt LGBT in Georgia. Seems like denial phase

So... Now if you're a small business owner you have to hire atleast 1 gay individual to prove that you're not homophobic and Not being raped by the government? Haha welcome to the club my hairy fren!

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lmao based

wtf is that video?

For not getting raped by the government which protects fags*

They're cute, aren't they?

Imagine fucking publically executing yourself because you hate dudes kissing so much

Copying Pozdnyakov , OP?

you jews forced us into this, look up Judith Butler, Magnus Hirschfeld, all jews

A чё тeбe нe нpaвитcя-тo Пoзднякoв? Oн, знaeшь ли, бaзa

Underlying problem was and always has been Jews.

Ha тeлeгe пocт этoт oт Пoзднякa yвидeл, зa 5м дo этoгo

they'd never had so much power without AngloSaxons

>Ha тeлeгe пocт этoт oт Пoзднякa yвидeл, зa 5м дo этoгo
Дa этo нopмaльнo, - нoвocти пo ceти быcтpo pacпpocтpaняютcя