Hi Any Forums Pierre Poilievre here

I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to make Canada the freest place on earth. I’m also going to make the PPC irrelevant with my big PPC. Have a nice night and stop living in your parents basement.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pierre takes it up the pooper from Zionist Jews

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>totally organic PPC shills in like clockwork

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friendly reminder Pierre and the conservative caucus didn't do anything until truckers showed up to oppose or restrict mandates. Then they suddenly became political opportunists despite never even meeting with people in the convoy.

Only 1 party leader did and he's the only one who's going to deserve my vote.

Attached: 0214-protest-03_90462500-w-20220214jpg[1].jpg (847x568, 79.06K)

Reminder that YT falsified views on his video a few months back.

He's literally being put in place by the current regime.

Yes of course, replacing WEF member red with WEF member blue will surely solve all of our problems!


Eh, PP is still a globohomo shil, he's just selling the right-wing version of the 17goals.

Here's what the bosses at the UN want implemented:

And this is their own reportcard about how well its going.

Id bet on PP focusing on the Sustainable Financing pillar...

last time UN met on this topic was 2015 so id expect some updated version or furtherment of one or more of these:

Here's the deal:
I don't vote for anyone who supports Israel.

I'm not going to doxx myself for it but he appeared in the watch history for 5 of my accounts over time. The first two before I had ever even heard of him, the other 3 after I kept watch.

All 5 of those accounts are cursed to be in the test channel of YouTube accounts, getting the stupid bullshit changes they make before others.

on the two accounts he appeared for you, what pwn the lib youtubers were you watching?

based vote for the guy who gets arrested for campaigning is what I always say.

Do you know Tricky Pierre's plan for Immigration?

It's to Lower the standards to be come a surgeon, scientist, doctor, engineer - or any other professional in Canada and then Increase immigration to fill these occupations.

NOT to invest in our anglo and franco communities to train more white doctors and scientists.

This way he can lower taxes on Banks and Oil companies.

is anyone really going to vote for this POS?

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>pro Canadian oil/gas/nuclear
>wants to cap government spending and get inflation under control
>promises to remove red tape and get projects for more industry and housing approved
>excels at raking narcolepts and conmen over the coals
Im feeling good about him, I want him to lean over and bite Justins nose off when he inevitably tries to give him the run around in the debates

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Tory parties are designed to do nothing for white people while wasting their votes on implied willingness to acknowledge that they just may have unique group interests without ever saying anything explicitly or doing anything concete.

Why the ppc subreddit gone? halp plz respond, this is full of niggers and I wanna go back.

>Because the 6 million threads praising smol pp are 100% organic
Fuck this faggot. He never bothered opposing covid-19 tyranny until it became safe to do so.

Agreed. Jewtube keeps recommending his shit to me and I never clicked on any of his videos.

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>want all trudeau's wef policies but a little slower? then vote for me pierre poilievre.
no thanks, i'll vote for a conservative instead.