Why is Western France different from Eastern France?


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I remember that on reddit I made a point that Germanic areas of France are different from Celto-Roman areas and some salty Frenchman started calling me racist. Was he a salty Celtoid?

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No it's true
t. Provençal

Stupid Moorish niggers.

Celtoids are dum dum.

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>Nobel Prize
Be honest, that's kiked too isn't it.

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>its not the niggers


people usually react viscerally to the truth

you were right

This has been asked and answered a dozen times.

Stop it.

Fuck off.

Industrial development was in the coal rich. Roth, and political center north. The south and west are small towns with low industry, no growth for a hundred years, agricultural areas with no physics departments in the universities…. All the smart kids go to Paris.

Now fuck off with this attempt to make some idiotic point about it.

There probably a reason for it like eastern france being closer to the scientific hubs of Western Europe in Germany and the Netherlands while Western France isn't?
Maybe the cultural attitudes to the sciences is different in western france.
Western france could be more catholic and as result more laid back while Eastern France is more protestant and has a stronger work ethic?

He’s arrived

>All the smart kids go to Paris.
man things have changed, n'est pas


Well one would only need look at the names of nobel laureates...

>celtic niggers
but what is happening in south central?

>while Eastern France is more protestant and has a stronger work ethic?
The Huguenots were in far larger numbers in the South, Eastern France from what I know was generally fairly Catholic.

>The south and west are small towns with low industry, no growth for a hundred years, agricultural areas with no physics departments in the universities…. All the smart kids go to Paris.
Sounds like I am correct Jean Baptiste.

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Weird, Celtoids existed heavily in central Europe, around Switzerland, Southern Germany, the Rhine, and also Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, all of which seem to have a substantial amount of Nobel Prize winners. Considering the light amount of dots in Italy, Spain, and Western France, I would say it is a stronger correlation saying that 'Wherever Romans went, stopped producing Nobel Prize winners." The only exception seems to be southern England, but even then, the Romans barely went there, said they couldn't figure out how to make London a good metropolis.

I mean im just giving out ideas as to why this has occured. I highly doubt it's due to Celtic vs Germanic ethnic groups in France.

>but even then, the Romans barely went there, said they couldn't figure out how to make London a good metropolis.
There weren't enough resources to justify establishing major Roman settlements.

another France thread
predictive programming?

>southern England
England is Germanic, Wales and Scotland aren't.

>I highly doubt it's due to Celtic vs Germanic ethnic groups in France.
It could be, but you wouldn't be able to get an honest investigation by modern science as that would acknowledge the fact race is more than just skin colour.

I expected more from California since they tout themselves as the future of civilization

>nobel prize
You mean the prize jews give to jews for being jewish while scientists? Does eastern France have a lot of jews?

I'm pretty sure Brive and Dieppe are in the western part of France. The dots are not well placed on the map.
Also some are straight up missing. And the dots in North Africa are french people born and living in the french colonies of the time, they never had other nationality than, french.

>All the smart kids go to Paris.
The claim is on the birthplace of the nublett winners, not where their almond modrei was built. Tardfuck.

I highly doubt it. Pretty much everyone in Western Europe is a Germanic-Celtic mixture.

California holds 21% of all US Nobel prizes, accounting for only 11% of the US population

Peace Literature and economy are meme prizes anyway

LOL the dumbest parts of the country make the most smarties. Witchcraft

>Pretty much everyone in Western Europe is a Germanic-Celtic mixture
No, because there are areas where Germanic settlement was weaker or stronger. For example Cornwall is Celtic and this is why anti-Protestant rebellion started there.

in Physics or overall?

More like future south africa

Just verified, most French Fields' medals weren't won by someone born in eastern France: (I don't consider Paris to be eastern France).

Jean-Pierre Serre
Alain Connes
Pierre-Louis Lions
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
Laurent Lafforgue
Cédric Villani
Hugo Duminil-Copin

There is one born in Montbéliard though and two german naturalised french.

None of your business

just checked, only 2 from California (both Anglos)

>(I don't consider Paris to be eastern France).
Paris is obviously Northern France.

Honhon ces't surprenant

You can remove two of them if it's not western enough for you my friend.

I like how whenever somebody points out that 90% of Nobel prize winners are jews you pathetic snow monkeys start screeching that it's all a kike game but A-HA! They're jews from England, Poland, Germany and France. Now that's based then, medhsits btfo!

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