Imagine thinking Russia could win a war against NATO

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in b4 "imagine thinking USA could win a war against Viet Namg"

Cao Dai is the religion of peace. Hugo Boss approved.

It doesn't have to win. The moment they feel threatened they will use the N word.
This war will ruin both sides economically. Literally the most retarded war in history.
I will freeze to death because of some east slavic fuck fantasy of grandeur.

Nigga, this isn't about who has the biggest military cock. Russia is a nuclear power. Even if you win against them, you lose. Why the fuck do you think Kim Jong Un is still alive?

The military spending difference isn't going to matter once the nukes start dropping

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so your propaganda is "the opponent only uses slurs when they are in danger" and yet, you use "white" yourself as a slur.

So many shades of white, aren't there~

Russia can’t even launch a covert color revolution against a boarder state and has to result to a hot peer to peer conflict. They are a alcohol riddled, krokodil laced shit hole of a country that deserves to be pozed and wiped from the history books

Imagine thinking US military spending isn't dramatically inflated by graft, skimming, and corruption.

The Mutt budget is inflated by fat fucks who need a high salary, otherwise they won't work for the Pentagon contractors.
They get 6 figure salaries for designing the Patriot missile system for example.
That's why Mutt budget is worthless indicator.

The Russian budget is based off of cost of manufacturing.

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Military spending? You mean money laundering and bribing, right? GDP and similar such metrics are extremely flawed. What matters in reality, aren't the numbers on an account, but the actual resources, materials, factories and systems, the means of production -- and access to them. For instance, if you won 100$ million in the lottery, what could you do with it if there was nothing for sale, anywhere? If literally nobody was willing to sell anything to anyone at all, or if nothing was available anywhere. Useless paper or numbers on a screen.

See, Russia has resources and vast, vast, vast stockpiles of not only already fabricated military hardware and supplies, but also the production capacity and natural resources, to keep the cogs running indefinitely. While I don't know what their current cruise missile output is, they've fired already over 2k of them in Ukraine, both Kalibr and Iskandar types. But they aren't eating into their supplies because they fire only as many as they can keep producing. And they're producing that many that over the course of 5 months, they've fired over 2k cruise missiles. And this is news from 2 months ago.

You cannot tire them out or make them go broke from sanctions when they're resource independent. They're amongst the largest food, oil, fertilizer and gas exporters in the world. That means that they have plenty for their own people. Plus their steel production rivals that of the US.

Imagine thinking homeless people could remain homeless in California.

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>Why the fuck do you think Kim Jong Un is still alive?
to make kino for Any Forums

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as we all know, the best video games and movies are the ones made with lots of money. sinking money into something always makes it good. thats why apple has the best products and designer clothes are just better

Imagine thinking USA could win a war against the Taliban

>You cannot tire them out or make them go broke from sanctions when they're resource independent.
Except they are tech/know how dependent on anything more complex than putting a bunch of explosives into a warhead and sending it over the hill.

Those savage retards will have problems even extracting gas/oil once all the shit from Siemens and whatnot breaks down. They will probably replace it with chink alternatives and that's where the fun starts.

The fact that you think this war is physical and not economic is why you're ngmi.

European mens are lgbt+ pussies, so why actually not

But they are winning. The zog countries economy are in shatters. Germany will be out of gas in the winter. They just have to keep the war going.

>They will probably replace it with chink alternatives and that's where the fun starts
China has top 2 and top 3 oil companies by revenue.

Symmetric warfare? Absolutely devastate them. The problem lies in trying to fight a war with no real goals like we did. Push them back then stick around for 20 years to police people is not a winnable scenario when all the other side has to do is guerrilla warfare with shit loads of outside support. It's a war of attrition then and we only stood to lose. If our goal had been to invade and then burn cities, salt the earth, then leave as a lesson that we will slaughter you if you fuck around with us, then we would have more than likely have been successful.

Mutt's strategic goal to destroy Taliban
Taliban Strategic goal to pull you into quagmire and bankrupt you then get you to leave.

one of them won

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Russia is a paper tiger.
A wet paper tiger, wet from urine.
Incredible imcompetent system they still have. Archaic structures that date back into the cold war.
Logistics worse than angolian army, troops have low morale and the abuse the avarage soldiers get ins the russian army is disgusting.
They struggle against fucibg Ukraine, Ukraine!!!!
The second poorest country in Europe. A country that didnt have navy, barely had a airforce. Yet Russia couldnt take Kyiv, a city 180 km away from the border of Russia.
Just think for a minute:
How would they able to attack anybody in NATO or EU? WIth what and how?
They cant even sustain a frontline in enemy territoty.
An now imagine Russia fighting against Poland on the belarussian border:
>Air force is matched because polish jets are from the US
>Cannot take out radar station becaue air support intact
>Poland has anti aircraft missles that would shot down Russian planes easily
>Tanks are shitty and Poland has the best tanks (Leopard 2)

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