/SIC/ - Self-Improvement Challenge General: Fuck Jannies Edition

It's been a while.
Brothers, always remember that the first and the nobles of victories is to conquer self. We shall not speak about defeating the Jews and other undesirables, unless we become Ubermenschen ourselves.

The movement will be better off without fat fucks and skinny retards. Muscle up gentlemen.

Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood. They are literally created to harm you and your well-being.

The movement needs smart people with broad knowledge and a head full of ideas related to our cause. It's also a good pasttime, better than lurking all day on an anime imageboard.

But not in the REEEEAD SEEEJ way. Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself.

Higher T levels, better sex, confidence, energy, lack of depression and much more - if you fancy that, then get your hands off your dick. Also, pornography is an industry directly controlled by the Jews. Just saying.

ITT: we discuss everything that will help the individual become an Ubermensch. Brothers, this is our common struggle.

Share your:
>motivational pictures (related to our movement)
>NoFap experiences
>diet plans
>favourite exercises
>personal growth stories
>reading lists

And everything you deem worthy of being in such thread

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For this challenge, this week we will set a small goal for ourselves and try to stick with it. We can overcome anything, brothers. This is your great getting up moment.

"Synapses that fire together, wire together."
Reaped habits establish neural frameworks in your brain for the purposes of learning, reward functions and making activities easier.
That which you spend yourself on becomes what you are built and wired for. You can build yourself for anything, given time. Or, you can become a slave to easy rewards.
Choose wisely.

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I can avoid eating sugars and carbs, i can wake up at 5am everyday and not fap but I cannot stop smoking weed before hitting the bed

I am trying to draw, and it's dull. Works that take normal people 2 hours take me 6-8 hours. Granted I am improving quickly, my problem is that I don't find it stimulating compared to shorter hedonism cycles.

Same reason I think I prefer to discuss politics than read history books. Faster affirmation.

I struggle as well bit with alcohol. It's a crutch Inlean too heavily on.

>I cannot stop
I understand, and was in your shoes once.
First step is stopping the compulsion of buying it when your body is telling you that you "need" it.
Next, find something to replace the activity. Despite what other recommend, don't replace it with something else "addictive"/of instant reward. Try replacing with reading or meditation.

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Here is a collection of Any Forums recommendations

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I have designed a system,
yet I don't know how to release it,
if it falls in the wrong hands,
and is suppressed,
There will be no ending to the rule of shadows.

Death to kikes

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When you go to drink, pay attention to why you are drinking. Did something make you anxious? Did you go for a buzz to "relax"? Trace it to the source.

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I think I conceive it as coping mechanism especially to cope with work stress (a job you don't like etc.). I was reading about saunas and cardio activities such as biking has been proven effective to fight the urge to smoke so I might try that.

Death to kikes

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I know the source, my narssicistic mother. But that is a battle I am currently working on winning

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Grow your own tobacco which is obviously healthier, and it takes time & dedication. You'll have more respect for it rather than smoking a pack of ciggies like it's no big deal. But really no vices is ideal, gerting disciplined to the point you can take or leave something is achievable albeit it's hard for a lot of people. My preference is a cig after a stressful day and that's it. Something to fall back on but not dependant upon all the time

But do not smoke it all the time!!! Wild, real tobacco can put you into a suicidal depression if misused! If you are just looking for a healthier alternative, try sumac or mullein.

time to ditch this habit of gay furry shit

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I quit drinking

Good for you, brothers!

I hear you.
I went 17 years without speaking to my mother. Three years ago I showed up to her house and apologized.
I realized I hadn't been seeing her as a person, just solely as my mother. All I had focused on was her failings. What it was that she did wrong as a mother.
Instead, I saw her as a repeat of a pattern that was handed to her by her parents (and society's failings). She could have chosen differently, but she didn't. A slave to the pattern.
After apologizing, I realized parts of my life where I was still a slave to habits. I just accepted her as a person. Failings and all. She still falls short quite often, but I can see effort now. I don't set an expectation anymore. I just see kids trying.

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Honestly, some of the shit I've seen deployed to Syria/Jordan, let alone the African rekt threads, kidnappings, beheading.
Watching the world crumble around me, not having a voice to change it, sadness about why I brought kids into this kind of world, know it could be over at any moment, knowing that I'm just a worker bee and will soon be forgotten.

This is why I drink, and have recently switched to edibles at the end of the day.

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