Reddit subs now preemptively ban you for participating in certain other subs

top fucking lel actually. a lot of secret police facists of the last century woud be proud i guess.

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Reddit is a containment board for retarded brainwashed NPC faggots. If they were able to think for themselves they wouldn't be there.

They have been doing that for years, I deleted my account like a decade ago and they did it before then too.

>Reddit is one ideology

>Reddit censoring Reddit
>leftard self segregating
>snowflake space

Is this even significant? Reddit exists simply for people to form snowflake clubs by blocking everyone who isn't exactly them.

The gay mlp Nazi subreddit bans the gay mlp pedo subreddit.
Infinite degenerate compartmentalization

>Not understanding how awful the platform is for any kind of discourse
Listen, I'm not a racist, I have Black friends and I voted against the orange cheeto man twice. But I just wanted to express that I thought it was wrong when that Black man threw the toddler off a three story balcony just because the toddler was white was in the wrong here. Not because of the color of his skin and I don't want to perpetuate stereotypes, but I just think this action was wrong. Sorry, I'm trying to do better.

Reddit peaked with /r/coontown/, and has been downhill ever since.

greatapes was good too


At this point it is.

How is a containment area an ideology, bongoloid? He's right, anyone who's STILL on mainstream media and social media is likely to be a bread & circus kind of person. There's no denying plebbit is censored and astroturfed out the ass, a shadow of its former self. Do you realize they drove its co-founder to suicide? The shadowbanning? The the_donald genocide? The transsexual moderator staff? The evil chink woman who had control of it, Pao?
Something is preventing the natural rise and fall of websites. It should have gone the way of digg and ebaumsworld long ago.

Since leftists like to be segregated from the rest of society when they're online, we should segregate them from the rest of society when they're offline as well.

trans-sexuality is a mental illness.
a mental illness is nothing to be proud of.

This is nothing new. Getting sticked on the old the_donald would get you a bunch of bans from groomer subs.

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I don't care for desperate faggots around niggers do the stupidest shit since it's apparently barbary

The point is that most popular subreddits are potemkin villages where you only interact with bots that shape your opinion according to the established narrative. So they ban everyone who still talks to actual people on niche parts of reddit, because they could impede the programming process of the plebbitors on big subreddits.

Still giving that site any traffic after 2016. Lol

>bunch of gay pictures of rare floofers and doggos
>not allowed to look at gay pictures of rare floofers and doggos without fulfilling an ideological compliance ritual
it's hard to imagine a gayer world than what presently exists

Why are you on reddit in the first place and not out punching Kangaroos?

Hundreds of the most popular subreddits are moderated by a handful of CIA kikes.

Why use reddit? Are you perhaps a huge faggot?

Wait, what do you mean "now" as if that was some kind of new thing?

There are thousands of people on reddit that hold the same views as you.
Maybe even millions.

Visit wallstreetbets or cryptomoonshots or politcalcompassmemes or many others.
They use our language. They know not to type nigger but you will see plenty of comments about "the usual suspects" etc.

And their drive to become a completely airtight echo chamber continues. Let them strangulate themselves. Any organization which practices censorship(looking at you EU) doesn't deserve participation.

Yeah I agree and the smaller ones get forced to implement rules when they get big or hit the front page.
But the communities of people still exist there. And they know how to blend in for the most part

I’m convinced that she is personally responsible for introducing the censorship through racist spam tactic to the US.
>finds open discussion uncomfortable
>spams racist bs, because Chinese are most racist people
>spams calls for censorship
>performs said censorship
If she did the censorship without the racist spam, people would revolt. But, with the spam, idiots tolerate the loss of their community.

pcm was actually alright for a subreddit, people there were racist as fuck even the commies were hating on niggers

They've been doing this for years, who cares at this point.

>being a sceptic is bad
>tips menorah
it's turned into a religious hellhole

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