It’s over African black bros

>After comparing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with that of other archaic and modern humans, the researchers reached a startling conclusion: A female member of the lineage that gave rise to Homo sapiens in Africa mated with a Neandertal male more than 220,000 years ago—much earlier than other known encounters between the two groups. Her children spread her genetic legacy through the Neandertal lineage, and in time her African mtDNA completely replaced the ancestral Neandertal mtDNA.

Attached: D214C524-8F5D-4D13-9AF4-C0BEB65A3513.jpg (1260x563, 298.11K)

Black woman are and were built for bwc

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Chocolate pussy


Only the most woke atheists still believe in the "out of Africa" farce.

Sounds like "Quest for Fire".

So the theory is true. Africans are just straight up Homo sapiens while the rest of the modern humans are descendants of the admixture with Neanderthals and Denosovians. Neanderthals were in Europe way before any nigger homo sapien came. Same with denosvians in Asia.

A proto-jew knocked up a monkey?

My long life of dreaming of having sex with a black queen finally makes sense..

no africans have up to 19% ancestry from an unknown humanoid

Europeans are almost purely Cro Magnon. We originated in Iberia and the Mediterranean region. Niggers never existed until some ancient whites sinned very very badly.

I aint come from no fish. You all niggers climbed down from the trees. No doubt about it. I came from the Hand of God who made the first man and woman.

Out of Asia theory, nigger race is young race and undeveloped, used all its evolution into sun resistance lacking the brain development.

Based and genesis pilled

So i take it that means niggers can develop in the next billion of years?

People from Africa, ancient and modern, are wrongly portrayed as dark skinned. However those north of the Saharra have always been tanned, not dark skinned as in this picture. Probably because of lack of knowledge, Afro-Americans tend to believe that all of Africa is theirs, whereas it is only the part where the Bantu originated. Imagine a European who had a golden chain with a pendant of the whole of Eurasia attached to it, claiming that his recent ancestors where from this place, no matter if it was Scottland or Thailand.

Only a billion years until they become human hurrah!

>Black woman are and were built for bwc
African woman =/= black woman =/= bantu woman

Attached: A_Bedouin_Girl_-_Nuweiba.jpg (1200x1678, 501.81K)

>it took 220.000 years to clean the nigger out of the human bloodline
>it takes 100 years to niggerify the west

learn this nigger info

if you want something worse.
A* ancestor of A001 the Y Adam of 100% of human males, is found in an Iberian Neanderthal.

This is your queue white rich men-Breed as much black pussy you can. Africa should be your first destination.
Imagine how many black pussies can you impregnate in a year.