How long until the USA becomes completely lawless?

Clearly that will be the ultimate legacy of the St Floyd riots..

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Some parts of the USA are lawless today, essentially. I grew up outside of Baltimore, the law is basically a meme there

USA, Who carws?

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Imagine living around niggers

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Some mean looking noggers were thinking of robbing me yesterday, I guess I didn't look nice enough so they fucked off.

The problem is the media.

They invade white areas with the help of the Jews.

Some cities already are.

Someone keeps leaking information in relation to the timeline due to irony and blanket statement ethics to shield themselves the point still stands

>How long until the USA becomes completely lawless?
some places are, it's fun

It's called managerial state. Urban youths and spics can have full auto glocks with zero consequences, but you'll be put in jail for social media posts taken out of context.

it basically is already if you're a darkie and live in an area with a soros-funded attorney general


They’ll arrest people at the drop of a hate for federal “hate crimes” but someone can invade your home and the DA will drop the charges.

The white flight in the 60's/70's were people leaving the cities for the suburbs.
If the cities and the suburbs become unsafe and unlivable where do we go?

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stop running away from problems, or die, I guess

i wonder how much longer this double standard can last

You ever try calling the cops?

I find that a lot of the time poor people or people who are distrustful of the law do not understand the law or expect it to function outside of its parameters. They expect cops to act like parents rather than peers with greater responsibility/accountability. Or they expect them to act like automotans rather than human beings performing a job.

Its the equivalent of buying a dodge challenger and getting pissed that its not able to plant corn.

The law in the US works well for the rules and parameters in which it is given to function. They aren't genies that pop out of nowhere. They aren't precogs like in minority report. Give them a call when shit is actually going down and watch them work.

What I want you to do, OP, is take 100-200 bucks. Go to your local lawyer and just ask him "Here is $100-200 bucks. What happens if X,Y,Z, etc. happens (shit which is most likely to happen to you. ex: What are my rights when i get pulled over. How can i respond. What are the different ways shit can go down? etc.) and pick the dudes brain.

Its what I did.

it started when they started bussing the blacks to white schools and whites to black schools and used the police, feds, state police and military to enforce it.
Sort of hard to fight all of them, these days it will be a lot easier since they're all fat black women in those positions

Those same cops would be threatening me, a white man, with jail if I didn't do as they said instantly, but yet again it's negro privilege.

I've had a cop stick a gun in my face for a lot less lol
the way these dumb niggers are coddled is insane

Some junkies broke into my car once in Northwest Baltimore, the cops took an hour to come. It was an older black lady that basically told me "Tough shit" wrote a little report and drove off. The issue with areas like Baltimore isn't just the people living their ignoring the law, it's the corrupt city government not doing enough to enforce it. It creates a cycle of people ignoring the cops and the cops being less experience/trained in what they're doing. Every single government official in Baltimore city is more of a criminal than the niggers selling crack on the streets.

Can not happen soon enough.

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It is insane and it's killing what's left of polite society because monkey see, monkey do. They let one go, then they tell the others:
>sheeeeeit you can do anything nigga

btw what did they accuse you of, I mean, why did they stick guns in your face?

Until trucks cannot travel, shipping hubs cannot operate without monthly murders, and food cannot be planted and harvested in an orderly fashion.


They'll just blame whites as usual.

skateboarding where i wasn't allowed to skateboard

Ah. As long as you're not bumping into things, knocking people down or damaging things, I got no quarrel with you guys.