Why Russian zoomers crying about coca cola and McDonald's?

I don't understand.

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It tastes cool. I mean, there's no phosphorus acid, so there's no this bad feeling on teeth.

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Cola is about a symbol
Symbol of European Free Russia.

I don't want European Russia.

The only one Cola I am really interested in is sugar free.

I agree, why are Russians crying about not getting to consume American poison?

After I eat mcdonalds I feel absolutely terrible

> Doner kebab in the background.
You are already assimilated.

Nice crib

Russians don't have "traditional" Russian fast food.
So we assimilate Abt fast food of people leaving in Russia, like shawarma or cheburek.


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It's container for dishwasher.

It's sort of like a nostalgia classic, especially when after the USSR fell. People in that era were lucky to get beetroot soup or vodka when communism ruled the land and after the commies fell, Russia got to experience McDonalds for the very first time. Times were tough, like it would cost a full day's wage just for one meal but it was a sign of change. That being said, that shit's a lot different from what I remember back then, now it's all GMO slow-cull slops.

probably Shawarma
Döner is really more a german thing because no german would eat actual Kebab

Tried 3 Russian colas recently
1- Stomach ache
2- Right ball ache for 2 days
3- Feel bad

Unfortunately Russian fags can't make a good cola. It's such a simple thing but they can't. It's the same thing with moist toilet paper. Literally easiest thing in the world to copy. But no.

I literally measure the standard of living by the quiality of moist toilet papaer

It's really good, seriously.

I've tried only cool cola and cherbogolovka. Both are decent, but I prefer cool cola.

>Drinking liquid sugar

that one gave a ball ache so fuck no never

Based Russia weeding out the weak zoomer faggots on a biochemical level
If you can't tolerate CoolCola© you ain't russian

Then dont mix it with vodka idiot

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Then go back

Delete this, you bring shame to your country. How do you think mr. Putin would feel if he saw this? And your fellow vatniks would look down on you with disgust and disappointment.

Also this shit tastes like the red price cola.
I only drink coca cola when I pour it in my whiskey anyway so I'm gonna hoard a bunch of cola so I can drink whiskey and coke in 5 years and have it be the real thing.

hahaha gypsoid those are just facts.

Street is much better and is good for chasing vodka.

>moist toilet paper

What the fuck are you talking about? lol

>it's not like sanctions have some influence on me, in fact i don't care. Time to start 204521
thread about how I didn’t even notice the effect of sanctions

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Facts is Russia is greatest nation in universe and their cola and toilet paper are the best, pinnacle of russian engineering. See, this is what you're supposed to say, do I have to teach you?!