Why doesn’t Any Forums talk more about abbos?

I mean, these people have to be the most primitive relic of humanity left. 60,000 years separation from modern populations, petrol sniffing/inhaling is pretty much standard, 95% live on government checks and don’t even look like any other race except niggers, but that’s expected because they are non-humans too.

Why doesn’t Any Forums discuss them more? I’m sure some aussies know how bad they can really be.

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I’m fascinated by them. They are more interesting than Canadian abos IMO. Culturally they are just so out there especially the way they treated their children and women. Wild animals show more mercy than they did.

It’s too bad Australia wasn’t left completely alone. It would be interesting to see how they evolved (or didn’t) as the millennia went by.

The science is settled. There is not one human race.

What is there to even talk about? They just sit around and do nothing

We cannot be the same species. Thing on the left is a depiction of a first human from Africa. Remember niggers interbred with erectus and 99% of the rest of humanity did it with Neanderthals and Denisovans. Abbos are erectus too.

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* Right but they’re pretty much the same picture.

>how they evolved
They devolved in many respects, even undomesticating their dogs
However abbos would have existed forever on this planet, while civilization is doomed with absolute certainy, and quite soon

The thing is that they don't do much, so there isn't much worth talking about. Could other ausposters give some good abbo stories? I don't have any unfortunately

You should get on pol at night when its daytime down under, tons of abbo threads, many lels.

>Why doesn’t Any Forums talk more about abbos?
1. There aren't very many of them
2. They are still more closely related to actual humans than blacks (picrel)

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Well it’s because niggers interbred with erectus and abbos probably did it with Java man or some erectus-crossbreed of denisovans. But they’re still probably the most primitive hominid on earth after niggers. They just look more ape-like because of the isolation and high percentage of non-human interbreeding.

Took an anthro class on abos of Australia in college. Pretty hardcore people living in a hardcore land. The abos you see today have mostly been ruined by welfare/modern society. Prior to this they were fit chads runnin' around bein' bosses doin crazy shit. There's this plant in Australia that if you so much as graze it with your skin will cause such intense lasting pain that it takes several years to fully heal. That and the dragon lizards they used to have is no wonder they were burnin' the land up. You raise a family in that shit and you're going to have to set some pretty tough precedence in order to ensure the survival of your line. They also fed little boys the semen from older males which is definitely wrong today, but given what we know of the properties of the substance today based on the all our accumulated knowledge, I'm gonna say based in a tribalistic society living in a ridiculous hardcore world. Abos are awesome and I honestly hate the aussies that talk shit about them. Where's your compassion? They're clearly a different people living in another people's world. That being said, they had a real good run of thousands of years running around that huge island being chads so I guess there's still a silver lining to all of this.

They're not that special. They're just a branch of Asians (like Indians and Indonesians) that split off and evolved dark skin. The Aboriginals just look weird because they evolved on a bizarre island for 60,000 years. They also have something like 9% non-human dna (neanderthal, denisovan, and some mystery archaic hominin).

>mystery archaic hominin
See: the abo

Because Australians are irrelevant

I know a story but if I talk about them I'll get sent to gaol.

Tell us please. I miss old abbo threads about TV commercials telling them not to be drunk on the roads.

You were taught the liberal bullshit story of abos. If you knew the real story you wouldn't think as you do.

What's interesting is that abo genes are recessive while black African genes are dominant, which is why a quadroon has noticeable black features while someone 3/4 White and 1/4 abo looks White.

Then why don't you enlighten me? I would LOVE to know the REAL story.

>while civilization is doomed with absolute certainy, and quite soon
It's only doomed if you choose to believe so.

>their children drank semen

Had they gone extinct before the discovery of Australia, they'd be classified the same way as homo erectus or Denisovans

Abos all have a dog or 2 around every house known as camp dogs. They don’t get walks like a normal dog or learn tricks. They are borderline wild, no matter how much you feed one it has no concept of affection. Only by taking it away from the environment could you have any chance of creating a pet.

And performed(and still do, but on a smaller scale) genital mutilation rituals so gruesome and senseless, you have a hard time believing, while having 50% infant HOMICIDE rate. Frequently by their own parents. Cannibalism as well, of course.

They are very curious people... they are highly mixed with neadner and denisova but that isnt what makes them so dim... they are certainly mixed with something else too, my bet is Homo erectus whcih lived in the area at the same times as Homo sapiens.

Although subsaharan africans have 2-19% primitive hominins, I think it is very likely that abbos are even more mixed than this.

I have this theory about hominin mixture and beauty and well if they have more mixture than it would make sense why they are objectively considered the least attractive race

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Earth easily has a civilization destroying cataclysm once every 10k years

The north territory police force has its own aircraft to collect the abos and take them to Darwin for prison. It’s known as coon air.

There's only one B in abo. For some reason you dumb fuck north Americans give an extra B. It's ABO and ABO'S

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Big if true

I dont think they would have done anything even given thousands of more years... they came there as humans (or mixed humans likely with neadner and deni) and likely mixed with Homo erectus. At this point they get set back really far. Even harder to catch up and there is no selection power that I can think of in Australia that would increase intelligence anyways.

But like 6000 years ago, someone brought the dingo, maybe indians

Darwin police recently renamed the airline Cheers Air

If all you need is a snek for breakfast and a kangaroo is enough for dinner unless they had a major drought, I think abo life was cruizy. These people didn’t exactly create anything besides a few stone circles. They ate everything and moved to the new place