Biggest traitor in world history

On par with Ian Smith who just gave away Rhodesia or Kerensky who handed power to the bolsheviks in Russia. When will you stop trusting Freemasons?

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rent free

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Don't forget his buddy Nigel Farage.
It's easy to point out the absurdity in hindsight however we need to learn from it.

>the election was RIGGED
>vote trump 2024 and donate today!
Fuck this orange nigger and his kayfabe bullshit

They are my two favorite politicians.
Roast me. I can handle it.

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He's said from the beginning that he wanted to replace EU migrants with the commonwealth ones.

Sounds good as long as its done with an 'Australian style' points system to stop us getting immigrants without the skills we need.

Lel. You're one of them.
The sick part about it is that we genuinely thought that was just a figure of speech.

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>Masonic 666 in literally every speech and public appearance he does
>”why did he betray us!?!?”
How are you people this fucking stupid? He’s been signaling that he’s a globohomo mason asset since CPAC 2011

You thought Australia style points system was a figure of speech rather than looking at how the Australians handle immigration?

I donated more just because your comment keep seething faggots nothing can stop what is coming

So you think it's ok to replace Polish carpenter with let's say Nigerian ones? Keep bringing up 'Australia style points system' 'mate', sure it'd help your case here.

in world history?
hyperbole much there Sport?


He laid the groundworks for declaring every legislative decision from 2020 and onward illegitimate at any point in the future by any contender for power. If the 2020 election was fraudulent, then any succeeding electoral result is too. Trump himself was too chicken to use his claim and take power for himself, but just like how medieval noblemen could trace their claim to a throne through generations I hope a future contender will use Trump's claim to remove the regime in his time. It's not perfect but it's something.

Trumps' policies were shockingly mainstream, but the manner by which he came to power proved the system can be attacked from the outside. He is unironically the modern version of emperor Nero: an uninteresting person and ruler, but through his death and being succeeded by someone outside the Julio-Claudian dynasty, it showed the noble class that anyone could become emperor given enough money and power, which paved the way for roman emperorship as we know it historically. The reason democrats hate trump to this extreme even when he didn't actually do anything is because he took away the popular idea that the elites decide who becomes president, and then he proved the president can act independently from the media and other jewish institutions

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>So you think it's ok to replace Polish carpenter with let's say Nigerian ones?
No. The points system would ensure that immigrants could only come in and do jobs where there are shortages of workers. So they wouldnt be replacing people.
This is not a controversial thing to do that. In fact most immigration systems work like that.
Our open door system is the anomaly here.

Still best president we've had in my lifetime. Possibly since Andrew Jackson. Name on better.

He started the great reset with his covid bs, the greatest scam in world history then he gave billions to Bill Gates for his "vaccine" poison which will kill millions and enslave humanity in a digital ID social credit prison, he printed trillions which is crashing the world's economy right now plus his lockdowns which are still have a ripple effect.

Open door system was EU policy. That's why we had to do Brexit.
Those EU migrants are gone now and we've got 'commonwealth' workers (Rwandan, Nigerian, Indian, etc) to fill the void.

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