Jewish Filter

Jews are the only thing preventing Whites/Aryans from climbing the Kardashev Scale of civilisation and conquering worlds in their quadrillions.
If we remove the Jew from the equation, by abolishing usury, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. Our destiny is nothing short of cosmic conquest.

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Not so fast.

Civilisation is gay

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Here are two anons who haven’t grasped the future. Why wouldn’t you want this as a White man?

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You fool. You think you can expand without paying the Gnomegeld?

>You think you can expand
If there are infinite alternate realities, Whites will invade them as well

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You live in a simulation run by gnomes. If you do not pay for a gnomestump hut in your yard, you will never expand.

nah, it's whites keeping whites down. you guys are jewish golems and love niggers too much
what jews do isn't specific to jews, even niggers do it now. if it wasn't jews turning you into cattle it would be someone else, and there already are more doing it
9/10 whites are just dysgenic cucks and keep the other 1/10 down

>kardashev scale
I don't like this thing.
It feels a little too optimistic.
Like, look back at Bronze age collaps.

The gnomes aren’t Jewish I hope

We control the jews.

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>Jews are the only thing preventing Whites/Aryans from climbing the Kardashev Scale of civilisation and conquering worlds in their quadrillions
Yeah its "only" jews
Wewuzkangs tier anglo delusion

No. Freemasonry is

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you got it wrong. jews are the only civilization that are climbing kardashev scale, whites might be the ones that finance it by being dumb consumer cattle sure but whites are just not smart enough to do it themselves

Man, getting rid of all jews just for the fuck of it is a noble enough of a goal.
How much nobler, then, is your proposition.
I'd kill em all for a quarter.
Fuck it, I'd PAY the quarter for it to happen.

>can't even keep their countries white
>hurr durr we empire we conquer galaxy
fucking kek

Holy shit. Jews are our great filter. Lol.


Everyone is the great filter. The only people capable of bring such a feat to reality ARE INDEED THE AUTISTIC NEAR-SIGHTED NERDS YOU ALL BEAT UP FOR BEING "strange" IN HS. Everyone acts like they hold a candle to such people, but they don't. These nerds are arguably the only humans that are distinctly unique and apart from animals, as they inherit no animalistic psychology with regards to how they solve problems. Everyone else can go back to selling drugs and killing gas station attendants, or doing porn.

(even chimps can be taught to trade currency in exchange for a product or service)

If you taught a chimp how to drive, clean windows, or stock shelves, there goes 30% of the workforce.


Most people won't understand their justly deserved gruesome public execution.

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>the equation, by abolishing usur
Notice that when the fed interest rate is low, business is booming, and the stock market is setting all-time highs nearly constantly, but then the mere hint of small fraction of a percent of interest increase (((usury))) sets the market tumbling, until some military threat for shit that has no relevance to whites causes it to bounce back up.
Car manufacturer forgets to add seatbelts? ...somehow causes other car manufacturers to drop in stock value.
Disposable entertainment company elects a cephalopod to its board of directors? ...somehow causes a transoceanic stock rally.

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This is kikerpg. Let's tame the Jews.

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You're right, but I rather want to see the arrogant n*gger, ar*b and other cattle just get eternally enslaved in a social credit score panopticon system overruled by k*kery, while being poisoned by fluriode in toothpaste and water, hormones in water, GMO food, sprayed by chemtrails 24/6, hypnotized by cheap and obvious propaganda they fall for everytime due to borderline 2 digit IQ because they LARP as "conquerors". kek

Yes it actually is only jews, or more accurately, their lifeform; the parasitic existence exploiting the very freedom that is necessary for take off to exponential growth
Collectivist societies fail due to lack of freedom, individualistic cultures fail because of jews

>Yeah its "only" jews
Explain how all our modern problems are not originated by Jews.

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