Ever notice a weird alrgorithm push for this guy named Andrew Tate on social media...

Ever notice a weird alrgorithm push for this guy named Andrew Tate on social media? I feel like he's our last hope for male masculinity before it's gone. But who's pushing this agenda on social media?

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>I feel like he's our last hope for male masculinity
holy fucking cringe. you should hang yourself

You shouldn't care about some vain sinner who worships the flesh and ignores the spirit.

Fuck off e-beggar shill

>Ever notice a weird alrgorithm push for this guy named Andrew Tate
No. Beginning to think I'm too old for this Facebook e-celebs forum.

go shill your trash elsewhere

I’ve randomly heard of this guy out of the blue the last few days. Never heard or seen of him before. I feel like I’m being conditioned…what’s the catch? Is he based? Bumping because I’d like to know how this guy is suddenly so popular and controversial.

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I would rather push for Andrew Tate on social media than tranny shit, retard. Maybe put the onions milk down.

>Ever notice a weird alrgorithm push for this guy named Andrew Tate on social media?
like you're doing now with this thread?

>I feel like he's our last hope for male masculinity before it's gone.
Quintessential mutt post.

This dude is a joke. He must pay his fellow e-celebs to promote him

>what’s the catch? Is he based?
He is absolutely based.


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>last hope for masculinity
Nigger is bald lmao

>He is absolutely based.
posts cringe compilation

Fuck off Andrew tate

Really ugly fag that continues to push "just be an asshole" game to retards. Women want a man that is immovable, not a petty little passive aggressive bitch.

>"just be an asshole
He has never said that.

>continues to push "just be an asshole" game to retards. Women want a man that is immovable
you clearly havent listened to him and only get your opinions from reddit

He's been circling the meme redpill world for a while. Part of it is shilling, but part of it is just about hitting critical mass from being referenced by enough others into true viral form we're seeing now.
Could be the next evolution of Bilzerian if they dont manage to cancel him somehow.

>mutts worshipping mutts
Stop being so embarrassing, faggot

I remember this guy being associated with Tommy Robinson a few years ago. How's he suddenly gotten big recently?

Pick one.

Don't talk about mutts if I were you. You're from America.

how about neither, you cocksucking faggot
>hurrrr I need my eceleb daddy to tell me what masculinity is

seriously kys

>illiteracy is masculinity
Imagine claiming illiteracy is masculine. Fucking imagine. That is Tate's advice.
Tate promotes 'Black Masculinity'. 'White Masculinity' has been demoralized over decades, and 'Black Masculinity' is placed on a pedastal in ZOG society. It is given high praise and high status, promoted through all entertainment. White Masculinity was reading books, being learned, understanding law, being a breadwinner, marrying and having a dozen children, accepting a call to arms to defend your nation, conquest if need be. It also included doing duty, having manners, not being a fool, being a committed vocal member of your community. According to this retard 'Masculinity' is driving cars, fucking hoes and drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Chaos, as he calls it. That is all Black Masculinity, it's toxic and civilization-destroying.
OP knows all this, because OP is an Israeli intelligence bot that promotes these figureheads, because it wants us to reinforce and adopt 'Black Masulunity' and reject 'White Masculinity'. People like Tate aren't strong, they hold no revolutionary spirit, they fight for nothing. At the slightest pressure from the system, he will break. Grifters are not Masculine, they are parasites.

Andrew is right. Shut up nerd. Get some pussy and take a shower.

He's a clown with too much money, he's not worth your time.

He’s unironically based, but also a master marketeer.
He runs an mlm online school to “help people get rich” and authorizes people to use videos of him to collect ad revenue through any social media site so that’s why you’ve seen so much of him. It’s a vicious circle of videos promoting him and the classes to get more people to post more of him to get him more money from subscriptions to the website he runs.
His message is on point about the demasculizarion of man and how women have become whores in the west but the “hustlers university” thing he runs is a cash grab

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fuck off shill, book in one the best thing civilisation has created, only a moron is agaisnt it

looks like a gypsy. stop spamming this cringe faggot here you dick sucking nigger

>if you look up to this clown kys
>dude his arms and neck are the same size how can u look up to this clown

You can be smart and intellectual, but don't be a fucking nerd. Holy shit. Keep a balance. Don't actually become some virgin nerd who has to correct everyone just for the sake of being an intellectual. Being a nerd never gets you pussy.

you. you fucking faggot. Go do your course hours somewhere else. Take your chinless mutt and fuck all the way off

big dick tate

pay to get shilled

>looks like a gypsy
He's a mulatto who lives in Romania

Basic-bitch observations. Pure Black Masucline morality. Absolutely toxic.

>But who's pushing this agenda on social media?
You are. How do you think algorithms work? You could hire 5000 clickers in India and fake your way to fame if you wanted to.

Dan Bilzerian is cooler

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>reading books is too slow for my advanced brain
>get rich
>fuck everyone
>get wasted
>fuck hoes
Absolutely no different from a mumble rap music video.

>Moves the goal post to race now

Absolutely fucking retard logic. Thanks for proving my point. Get laid, nerd.

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Him mogging the little french canadian twitch faggot who "moved to Texas"(aka my state) was actually enjoyable to watch as I have never seen such a stark contrast of faggy Millenial vs Based Gen X'er in my life.

Also, I will kill these out of state transplants as all they do is live in Austin(the SF of TX) and keep pushing the same faggot leftist shit that caused them to flee in the first place. Austin needs be taken care of all at once so no roaches escape(hint hint Daddy Vladdy Putin i'll have one Tsar Bomba with extra burn Austin faggots alive sauce pls).


Normally I would never suggest watching such content but I was insanely surprised how based the Tate guy turned out to be...

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You're seeing him in "muh al go rhyth um" because he got into some shit with some massively popular twitch retard a few days ago

There's no algorithm pushing on Any Forums, retard.

He speaks some truth but the issue is how insanely black and white his thinking is. You basically are some sigma grinder hustler and you can't be if you're studying in uni, lambos and women are the only possible ways of deriving feelings of success without any abstraction, women WILL leave you if you have them talk to some guy that's higher than you in the hierarchy as if they're robots or incapable of conscience (which some might be because they're emotionally stunted). It's not enough to just treat it all like some game with simple rules and you can't just "break the rules" or you will contribute towards the decay of society and if you don't care about that you have a really weak moral compass.

>But who's pushing this agenda on social media?
You, kill yourself faggot. Saged

Andrew Tate uses too much teeth when he sucks cock. 3/10

If you need an e-celeb role model to feel like a man, you are not one.

>He’s unironically based, but also a master marketeer.
True & Any Forums should start applying the same campaigns to expose normies to the reality

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I'd throw you in a locker and fuck the cheerleader. You'll still be begging for advice on girls from multi-racial chinless 'game' grifters who dress like pimps and smoke cigars and tell you that reading is effeminate.

>social media
you're already lost dipshit

Only whites, jews, and asians can be nerds.

>Don't actually become some virgin nerd who has to correct everyone just for the sake of being an intellectual.
Translation: "Don't call me out on my shit". Fucking hell, Tate. I thought you were Mister assertive, and now you're crying because someone calls you out on how dumb you are. Fuck off, you chinless freak.

sage in all fields, motherfucker
> Ever notice a weird alrgorithm push for this guy named Andrew Tate on social media?
like you, u stupid bot?

Tate is not masculine in the slightest. Hes extremely feminine really. Obsessed with appearance and sex, consoomer mindset and desperate for attention. All female traits. Everything he does is solely for validation and irl updootz. Real masculinity I'd abandoning society to go live in the woods and uncover the secrets hidden in the psilocybin mushroom. Thats what I'm doing and let me tell you, I killed a bear with a stick the other day. What's this nigger ever killed other than the mood in every room he's ever entered? Masculinity is 2 things. Killing, and loving. Love knowledge, kill predators. That's what a man is fundamentally.

Holy fucking cringe man. Just stop typing.

Acknowledging someone having based opinions, even if they are half nigger, is far preferrable than pretending they don't and claiming this denial of reality is somehow not literally leftist fag behavior.

Grow up and reach your own conclusions on things for once you tiny little cunty bitch.

Everything is about race. Welcome to Any Forums, Tate. Black Masuclinity is unhealthy and toxic. White Masculine assumptions are healthy, moral and powerful.

fucking this

Fuck off, nigger.

Andrew Tate is a massive faggot and so is OP

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Deflecting from race to ideology is literally Ben Shapiro behavior

>Ugly narcissist pimp is the last hope for male masculinity
>you have to pick between a subhuman and trannies, there is nothing between
Please kill yourself.

No, simping for some chinless cunt whose advice can be found on any 'game' website', and promotes illiteracy is cringe. You don't have an argument, because you're dumb and a pussy.

Pls do whatever country you are from a favor and keep your meme flag on

Kill yourself mutts. Fucking mutts obsessed with e-celebs and shit, idolizing a fucking bald faggot.
Kill yourself mutt.

He looks like a gay bitch that is trying really hard to me.

No, he promotes 'Black Masculinity'. No different from a hip hop video. Why the fuck would anyone desire to adopt such trash as part of their thinking?
Fuck your illiterate 'masculinity'.

you're the one pushing him, faggot

>Ever notice a weird alrgorithm push for this guy named Andrew Tate on social media?
You mean Discount Joe Rogen?
Yeah. The algorithm is pushing him cause he's a vapid retard that does surface level takes.
>I feel like he's our last hope for male masculinity before it's gone.
On Jewtube? Sure...
>But who's pushing this agenda on social media?
Probably the corpos cause they want easily impressionable men to stay on the platform and listen to the next iteration of alpha male/sigma grindset/whatever bulshit instead of getting of their asses and getting their shit together.

>illiteracy is masculine
>fuck whores
>drink champagne
>dress like a pimp
>smoke cigars
You're fucking cringe.

This fucking mutt has been posting shilling post about this bald faggot for a while, even on Any Forums. Fucking cringe. Imagine being a simp for a fucking bald faggot.

Da fuck are you talking about, he’s clearly smart, well spoken with a weird Anglo American accent and hates multi-culturalism and is 50% taking the piss. You are a boring Cunt. Blacks are now rapping dresses and are completely homosexual

Okay seeing as I was the only one calling him specifically a nigger and was making it clear we were dealing with a "le based black man" I move to have your inaccurate and quite frankly smooth brained take stricken from the record.