Prohibition of Alcohol

Production and sale of alcohol for human consumption should be strictly illegal.

Why is the government okay with selling addicting poison to their society? Do they want us to be ill and dependent?

What do we gain from it staying legal? The negatives outweigh the benefits.

Prohibition. Now.

Attached: The-Five-Stages-of-Alcohol-Addiction-min.jpg (900x990, 84.12K)

Opinion Discarded.

dude weed


Hes right
It is an opiate of the masses

Islam is right about alcohol

You going to confiscate then audit everyone's fruit?

Sup Ahmed

No. I drink responsibly and i like it. I'm not giving it up because someone else can't.

jump into a woodchopper feet first and make the world a better place already

Keeps workers docile when they're not working.


I agree in principle but how do you stop people making a drug that only requires sugar and yeast? I'm a heavy drinker and if alcohol were prohibited I would just make my own

Life would be intolerable. A drink after work or drinks on the weekend help people reset and thus more productive at work.

That's a weak take. You do not owe your "reset" to alcohol. It's all in your head. Your dependence on alcohol is in your head and so is your own happiness.

Poisoning your body and brain does not make you more productive at work.

what percentage of drinkers even get addicted to alcohol? i know alcoholics exist but they seem to be pretty rare. as far as i can tell the habit is self-limiting in the vast majority of people.

Jews did this.

You don’t need islam or any other bullshit belief system to live a normal life. If you need some raghead camelfuckers religion to keep away from chemical addictions, there’s more wrong with you than just alcohol.

I agree, if you're going to drink alcohol you should be forced to homebrew.
Most people don't even realize they're addicted though.

I only drink expensive Craft Beer.

Medicine is just about control.
Alcohol deadly and highly addictive yet legal. Tabacco same.
But can’t buy anything with ephedrine or codeine or any morphine metabolites because no reason just control.
Can’t buy antibiotics or colchicine or HCQ etc because no reason just control.
Only shit that should be prescription is shit the govt has to subsidise.

t. Butt hurt woman who doesn't want me to have a laugh at a pub together as men detected.

quit being a weak willed faggot

>No alcohol is the only thing Muslims got right.
>literally causes cancer & leading cause of deaths in youth is drunk driving after suicide

This. At it applies to everything.
Listen up leaf. If you want to solve an addiction is a matter of moderation. Not prohibition. Otherwise you’ll end up living in function of (not consuming) that thing.

You're dumb.
Ever heard of moonshine?
Do you know how much alcohol related deaths increased during prohibition?

In the beginning of prohibition, alcohol *consumption* dropped by 30%.
Later on, it increased by 60 to 70% when compared to pre-prohibition era.
The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

Bullshit. Alcoholics know they're alcoholics because they get sick when they can't drink.

My rule is never drink alone.
Learn to drink socially, and don't be a retard.
It's not hard.

On one hand I lean toward libertarianism and think government has no business prohibiting alcohol/weed (or mandating clot shots). On the other hand my father was an alcoholic but he (and many others) could have been prevented from becoming addicted by prohibition. On still another hand he was a piece of shit regardless. Maybe the law should only prohibit selling alcohol to alcoholics.

Being an addict is a spectrum, if you can't go out and have a good time with your friends without consuming alcohol then you are a addict.

can't wait for you reincarnated puritans to repeat your mistakes and cause another slew of mafia movies. can't wait to make big bucks off of making and selling alcohol under your censorious kike noses.

>prohibit selling alcohol to alcoholics
This is not a bad idea. People who was charged with DUI, abuse/violence because of alcohol, and whatnot, should be barred from consuming it.

That's why they serve us halal meat when we drink too much.

I'll never drink again after ending a 6 month daily bender in the ICU with pancreatitis. That was the worst pain i have experienced in my life and I was in the hospital for 2 weeks with IV dilaudid constantly being pumped into my veins eating through a tube. I lost 25 pounds and it took 2 months to recover from the amount of damage I did to my body. I'll admit, I was literally trying to kill myself with booze at that point in my life which is probably the absolute worst and most painful way to go out. But I will never forget who awful that shit was. Still don't think it should be illegal tho. Men who can control themselves deserve to have a drink but it is extremely jewish the way american society has a fixation on alcohol use