Reddit bans use of “ok groomer” in effort to tackle “hate speech” problem

Ok, predditor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah I heard

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Nobody groomed me to like hot trannies besides Any Forums

Just start calling them literal pedophiles.

this kind of approach could be amusing and fruitful:
amusing because it's fun to evade restrictions and tell the truth when bad people don't want you to
fruitful because if reddit really wants to try to prevent it, it has to go down an endless rabbit hole of normalizing text and trying to decide if it contains some obfuscated version of some bad word, the textual equivalent of trying to prevent penises in second reality or minecraft or whatever
this first version is simple but i'm sure all coders are imagining other easy ways to increase the obfuscation
the more layers of obfuscation are applied, the more collateral damage reddit will do to posts by its normal users trying to block it

Blank template.

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MAP template

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I knew the French were behind this

And I should care about this... why exactly?
Go back.

gave this a freedom chuckle burgerbro

What about "ok, Disney?"

but remember, any hate speech against white males is still explicitly allowed.

Anybody remember this btw:
R*ddit hired an admin who defended her child rapist dad, then banned anybody who pointed out that a r*ddit admin defended child rape.

Attached: reddit hatespeech.png (847x632, 60.91K)

Ok groomer

This. Always stay on the attack


you niggers are a bunch of lying child abusers, all you want is for transgender kids to kill themselves. if they don't get a liberal enough upbringing you'll literally bully them to death after puberty, if they do get a liberal upbringing you're d/l trying to fuck them. go die, loathsome closet creeper obsessed faggots

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As far as reddit crimes go, that one is mild

Ok pedo

Ok groomer

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Ok groomer

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Ok, groomer

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