Almost two years ago, my family asked me to get the poke...

Almost two years ago, my family asked me to get the poke. I refused and was kicked out of the house and effectively disowned.
Since then, I've gotten a well-paying job, an apartment, a car, and a girlfriend. She's not trad but she looks good naked so I consider it a win.
Yesterday my dad called me for the first time since I was kicked out and asked if I had changed my mind. I told him no. He hung up immediately. So far this whole event has worked out in my favor but I can't help but miss those bitches that threw me away because I wouldn't bend for zog media terrorizing.

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Fuck em. Live your life and cut out the cancer that's your shitty family

They expected you to come crying back Mister Blogposter

Good on you mate

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Any Forums is my personal therapist.

Kinda cringe to get throw out of the house for not liking pokemon, that's generation Z for you

nice job bro, fuck em.

>Almost two years ago

your sense of time is really shitty.

Be careful. You have emotions to work through still in regards to them, who are psychos. Careful of what'll happen if your life gets nice and they want back in so they can make a mess

Hopefully your boomer parents die ASAP OP, Im proud of you

My family banned me and my cousin from xmas dinner because we are unvaxxed. we don't believe in covid, have never taken tests, don't wear masks, no jabs. Guess who is constantly ill? Not us, but our "protected" family. They still can't see. Haven't spoken to any in a while but I know that both my grandma and dad have been hospitalised recently. To an extent I can forgive them for their ignorance, but ultimately they tried to sterilise me, my gf, my cousin and his gf for us to eat with them. Utter insanity. We are getting ready to go off grid soon, the vaxxie die off here in the UK is really starting to pick up. Lost a buddy to a brain haemorrage the other day at 23.

Yeah, they're democrat whackos who roll over for every demand or fear tactic directed at them, like fucking dogs. Unfortunately it's not just my boomer parents either, but my younger brother and sister too, and together they managed to convince every other family member I cared about to disown me as well.
I always knew they were extremists but I didn't know just HOW extreme until I was on the receiving end.

You made the right choice user.

Stay based, King. Never back down, never conform nor forgive those that have forsaken you (blood) over their false gods.

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You made it, congratulations.

Something important to remember with these hypnotised people is not to be apologetic with them, that only reinvogorates their conditioning into believing they are correct. The only way is to laugh at them, laugh in their faces. It worked for me with police when I was crossing England/Wales border maskless when travel was illegal, it worked when the headteacher at the school I work in asked me to enforce mask wearing and wear one myself, it worked with shop staff, everyone. Just laugh at them. No argument, just laugh. 404s them

I wish I had that kind of snap defiance. Unfortunately at the start of lockdown I wore a mask into businesses. I rebelled towards the end and got a few dirty looks, but by then most of the shock had worn off.

Sounds like BS

Look, jew

Basically I'm just not gonna take it (the jewjab!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm pureblood is all!!!!

Vaxxgoy, vaxxgoy, so distressed,
Wore your mask, got brain poke tests.
Still got “COVID”, every strain,
Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,
‘Please jew vaxx-pushers, gimmee more!’
Proteins tangle and misfold,
Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,
‘Thank yahweh I am still alive!’
Getting worse with every shot,
No cure, alas, for his microclots.

Heart attack at 26,
Back to Pfizer for his fix.
Vaxxmeat vaxxgoy, death is lurking,
Doktor Shlomo says, ‘that means it's working.’

Died of SADS at 29,
The jewjabbed now die all the time.
Obituary headline noted:
‘Irresponsible, anti-vaxx, geriatric-endangerer, Nazi bigot dies of COVID.’

Vaxxgoy f@m is still naive,
And, they say, ‘it's for the better,’
‘Without the jewjab, he’d be much deader‘

This. Also OP should have called his "father" a faggot and hang up on HIM. Don't forget to tell him that he's not allowed to visit you or your future children. EVER.

You're more extreme than I am, but maybe it'll come to that one day.

I think for me it was one of the first times I went out, on the train I wore a mask. I've been aware of fake pandemics since the fake swine flu pandemic so I knew this one was fake too, but I wore the mask anyway. I quickly realised that the plastic masks were designed to suffocate and tasted very strange, so I took it off and that was it. Sure enough all the studies are out now, the blue plastic masks are loaded with toxic shit. I actually have concern over the 45 minutes I wore one. Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Graphene to name a few things.

Did you try changing his mind by showing him that you're still unvaccinated and alive after a "GlObAl PaNdEmIc"?