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EU will fund these bastards.

>dude lmao just surrender control of your currency to american tech oligarchs what could go wrong

>ex-officials integrated into new economy
what does that even mean?

More evidence that "Soldiers" are suckers who fight so moron politicians and Jews can live a life of luxury and corruption.


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Я хoтiв би лишe нa мить вcтaвити. Te, щo ви нaзивaєтe Linux, нacпpaвдi є GNU/Linux, aбo, як я нeщoдaвнo взяв цe нaзивaти, GNU плюc Linux. Linux — цe нe oкpeмa oпepaцiйнa cиcтeмa, a cкopiшe щe oдин бeзкoштoвний кoмпoнeнт пoвнoцiннo фyнкцioнyючoї cиcтeми GNU, який cтaє кopиcним зaвдяки GNU corelibs, yтилiтaм oбoлoнки тa життєвo вaжливим cиcтeмним кoмпoнeнтaм, якi cклaдaють пoвнy OC, як визнaчeнo POSIX. Бaгaтo кopиcтyвaчiв кoмп’ютepiв щoдня зaпycкaють мoдифiкoвaнy вepciю cиcтeми GNU, нe ycвiдoмлюючи цьoгo. Чepeз дивний пoвopoт пoдiй вepciю GNU, якa шиpoкo викopиcтoвyєтьcя cьoгoднi, чacтo нaзивaють Linux, i бaгaтo її кopиcтyвaчiв нe знaють, щo цe в ocнoвнoмy cиcтeмa GNU, poзpoблeнa Пpoeктoм GNU. Linux дiйcнo icнyє, i цi люди йoгo викopиcтoвyють, aлe цe лишe чacтинa cиcтeми, якy вoни викopиcтoвyють. Linux — цe ядpo: пpoгpaмa в cиcтeмi, якa poзпoдiляє pecypcи мaшини для iнших пpoгpaм, якi ви зaпycкaєтe. Ядpo є вaжливoю чacтинoю oпepaцiйнoї cиcтeми, aлe мapнe caмe пo coбi; вiн мoжe фyнкцioнyвaти лишe в кoнтeкcтi пoвнoї oпepaцiйнoї cиcтeми.

it means the most obedient collaborators of the current regime will be awarded with a position in the new regime.

You will own nothing, except tickets to Kiev PRIDE 2030. Children go free!

I only use cash, fuck banks

Maybe that creative writing project/crypto scam about the great reset is real after all

Any Russians want a few IED diagrams and infographs? Shits legit.

why are ukrainians losing despite outnumbering russians AND having NATO equipment? is it because they take estrogen pills?

keep this gay shit in the general

it has to be this way

Lol let me tell you about Cockholes digitalization program
They closed down doctors and medpoints in villages so old people living there have to drive on their shitty roads for hours to get an appointment with a doc
But where’s the digitalization you‘d ask
Well they can apply online for an appointment and in a couple of places they put up suicide booths where they can Skype with a doctor
They do not get any medicine there just a chaturbate stream
To get treatment they have to drive for hours to a big city
also those ambulances have to drive to them for hours in a case of an emergency
Which leads to villages simply dying off
That was the digitalization project in the shithole formerly called ukraine

>suicide booths
I need a passport so bad

They are already cashless...

Khazaria 2.0 (formerly Ukraine)

Ukraine will be victorious!

Attached: Web capture_17-7-2022_1013_newtab.jpg (358x232, 23.5K)

Based Piчapд Cтoлмeн


With the current bankrun in China right now, Ukraine seems to following them into the Jewish abyss.

>implying ukraine will not be annexed by poland and russia by then

No currency? Gay marriage?
Wow, sign me UP!!!! Slavivi Ukriniyiyi

It'll be endless civil conflict fueled by unaccounted untraceable weapons left over from the conflict with russia. Large areas will never have water or power restored. It will be even more miserable of an existence. I hope everyone that supports the US backed ukraine wears a black mark upon their souls forever.

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Presumably literally, like Robin Hanson's ems

>khazaria 2.0
you nailed it

Wasn't this how Oligarchs were created? They were high ranking USSR officials who had first dibs on Nationalized companies being privatized.

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>existing at all 5 years from now

>without bureaucracy
so they're not gonna join EU after all?