Why do niggers always loiter? I don't get it. You rarely see this type of behavior in any other race, but yet...

Why do niggers always loiter? I don't get it. You rarely see this type of behavior in any other race, but yet, niggers always do it

Always standing around obvious entries/exits/staircases and just generally being out and doing nothing in particular. Why? Is there some ape DNA that drives them to do this?

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Because they don't have work nor they want to have work

They dont have money to do anything. And they often go "downtown" to look for things that are:

- free
- breakable lock
- easily stolen
- people to hustle

Here is the real uncensored deal on niggers

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they are cockroaches

niggers are also make 90% of reaction videos.

they are animals. they were not designed to live in cages or boxes.

Fucking porch monkeys

Looking for people to rape/rob.

Lookin for a handout

Ever been to eastern europe?

Incredibly based vietanon

No work and no pc. What elese you gonna do?

Checked and witnessed

They hate being in their homes because it reminds them how poor they are so they spend all day hanging out on porches and stairwells hence the name porch monkeys

like faggots

Pack animals. It's that simple.

Waiting for potential victims to rob or rape or just to attack for fun.

Pokemon OP, please wander off into the tall grass. Say your special word with the wild animals and trouble civilization no more.

Latinos are also useless idiots and there are always lots of them doing nothing during work hours.

We DONT loiter . . . we try to do our best thinking about the world problems when we do this. That is what we do

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