White genocide isn't real

Because social media and policies can't affect the existence of intangible concepts like race

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Just say CUNT you retarded zoomie

You have 2 inches of yellow manhood at best bugman

ok, but what about the literal people and their wellbeing?

>policies can't affect the existence of intangible concepts like race
Cool it with the antisemitism

Blacks are genetically inferior to whites and more prone to violence.

Attached: white liberal.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

Pretty soon white American women will be slaves to Chinese cock, gweilo

You'll be laughed out of the bedroom needle dick

You're free to go elsewhere, ma'am.

It's OK to be white

Please, wear your mask.

You are a bad mother

karen is a term that negresses use when attacking white women
just use any other misogynistic slur out there

I'm dating an 18 year old cutie and I'm 44.

Hahaha yeah im sure “shes” real cute
Ahaha good one user thank u i needed that


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My body my choice applies to VAX bitch.

Northern China is so flat, wide and open. Always an easy target for mass rape and human death. I cannot wait till the CCP loses the mandate of heaven and the Chinese get raped into oblivion as foreign hordes steal all your wealth once again.

Women consoome a lot, they never save, only consooomm
The same with non-whites, always in the red, but always consooming
The only group that is financially rational and minimalistic is the white man's one
That is why this group of people is being discarded, it is useless from the pov of corporations. The rest are mindless cashcows, so they are promoted to 1st class status


all jews must die

I'm the manager.

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