Pentagon downgrades Russia. 'No longer a long term challenge to the USA'

Pentagon's new strategy will describe Russia as an "acute threat" but one that cannot post a long-term systemic challenge to the United States, the number three Pentagon official says.

>“We describe Russia as an acute threat, not only for its unprovoked and premeditated war in Ukraine, but also its destabilizing actions elsewhere in the world, including Syria,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement to Task & Purpose. “Russia has a track record of territorial aggression and extensive gray zone campaigns against democracies in particular. It is a country without major economic power, and with few allies, particularly in light of its violations of international norms in Ukraine. We view Russia’s threat — which includes nuclear threats to the U.S. and to our allies — as temporal and unpredictable.”

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Stockholm syndrome


>DOD when they realize they spent literally 20 years planning and preparing for a conflict with r*ssia and blew billions and billions of dollars on R&D specifically to counter r*ssia only to realize ENTIRETY OF THEIR MILITARY is a fucking Potemkin village
It's F22 all over again but this time it's entire military and doctrine-sized.
F22 was so fucking good it was shelved because it had no opponent that was even worth flying it against.

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> ENTIRETY OF THEIR MILITARY is a fucking Potemkin village
It should not have been a surprise though.

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America the beauty so far ahead in the polls it doesn't even think about Russia anymore

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>country without major economic power

I keked
They are winning the economic war Europe started against them, while fighting a real war in Ukraine

>pentagon sniffing his own farts
is that a news?

>They are winning the economic war Europe started against them,
By becoming a chink doggy? Truly, winning. From US near-peer and a superpower, to being a chink province. What a great victory.

>greatest threat to american people
>clasefied as ally by pentagon

Show flag Dima.

Military budget is not a good indicator of military capability.

That's because in the US the military budget is way overblown to feed the military-industrial complex by overcharging for everything. That doesn't mean the US military is impotent, of course, but just because they have very expensive everything doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

>long term challenge.
the USA does not have a long term to worry about.

we should give more to israel

>ZOG tries to act cool while shitting it's pants.

Reminder noone is rated "acute" to the ZOG except Russia.

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>That doesn't mean the US military is impotent, of course, but just because they have very expensive everything doesn't necessarily mean it's better.
Grand majority of those costs are cutting edge technologies and R&D. Of course it will bloat the budget. Of course, there's also horrible mistakes like F35 in the mix.

Russia confirmed for acute. Now buy her gasoline.

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How many billions is America burning through to keep Russia from overrunning Ukraine again?

Oh right so what they are saying is Russia is not that bad and the war is not that it

>it's another appear strong when you're weak episode

It was $54 billions in May, it has probably increased even more since



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>3 months later

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>pentagon stiffling its own budget
yes the MIC shooting itself in the foot is unusual, i guess China is the big bad now so it was time to take the Russia boogeyman out to pasture

Don't try to bullshit us, brother.

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