Where are people getting their money still for this

Steakhouses and shit still packed. Pople still buying new cars. I feel like this shit ccx ant be real..

This is nothing like 2008. People are not stopping

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just stop being poor lmao

consumer culture, people will keep buying to appease Kikes and rich niggers

It's a giant dose of copium. Everyone wasn't fucking insane in 2008 but now we are in the Kali yuga so everyone is going to just this off the rails. One day the masses will go from eating steaks and macarons to eating humans and mud cookies

unironically this.
Stop buying things unless you absolutely need them.

Maybe they have jobs? IDK

Massive amounts of debt. But they can still make the monthly minimum payment, so who cares right?
>rubbing intensifies

Whats up with this foot dude?

Elephantitis. Many such cases. Sad.

beetus foot. toes lose circulation and must be chopped off

garloids are NOT permitted to use public restrooms.

>Pople still buying new cars.
Financing, dumbass.

Nerve gas

Lost all his ties to the beetus is my guess. Thus is life in America.

Yeah that must be it, thank you user

rich niggers ur funny

Alot of office workers work from home now, so they saved alot of gas money

ahh this thread again,
reminder he has feet underneath

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its called diabetes retard

wtf is that garloid?

It's an old meme, you zoomer fuck.

Bro I've gotten 22% pay increase this year. We vibin fr fr

Money is an illusion, the government is debt maxing so I might as myself do the same. I maxxed 2 of my 4 cards and I’m working on my 3rd. Fuck them im not paying cent a back. Bring it to collections and I’ll settle for half the amount originally owed. Come at me Jewish niggers

I'm broke with really good credit. I could most likely buy a new car if I wanted to. I'm not stupid enough to though.

My dad was a doctor in a rough part of the city. There were a lot of poor whites living in bad areas because it was all they could afford. He was a lot of these people's doctor.

I remember like 5 years ago going with him on a house call to an older dude that had elephantitis. This was one of the more stomach churning episodes of my life and I've actually seen dead people. I can still remember the smell and the general filth of the place.

Debt maxed to the limit. That and an overall feeling that a bright tomorrow is no longer possible, so just live for the moment.

imagine the smell

Youre welcomed faganon

It might come as a shock to you but people do this thing called financing or credit cards.
I'll admit that I am guilty of the latter.
But thats how people can afford a new 50k truck without too much worry.

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>Where are people getting their money still for this
People are paying to get their foot like that?!?

silly goyim, you are renting, its a finance deal. my tribe still owns the vehicle...plus interest.

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Based af

I'm sure it's diabetes. When it gets bad parts of your body rot away and have to be cut off.