Should lane splitting be legal? I ride a motorcycle, why can't I just cut in the front of the line at traffic stops?

Should lane splitting be legal? I ride a motorcycle, why can't I just cut in the front of the line at traffic stops?

Attached: lane filtering.jpg (300x168, 5.95K)

Just don't bitch if you get hit.

As long a you don’t act shocked when you get ran over

>why can't I just cut in the front of the line at traffic stops
because I'll open my door on you, what's the camera gonna do, unbreak your spine?

Because it scares the NPC mind and they go into rage mode for no reason.

Literal NPC problem we have to deal with and suffer due to.

Call it lane stealing. Do it only when you won't get caught.

Thanks for proving me right, you fucking golems.

It is legal in California. It cut my 3 hr commute to

I think its ok if you have at least 250ccm.
Im faster then every car in the inner city with my 45kmh max.
But there are enough faggot who do that just to drive even slower.

t. cagers

Attached: crab bucket.jpg (640x547, 81.08K)

Should be banned. Also, the loud pipes fags that fly by should be ran over again and again

Cagers get mad when they see someone utilizing roads in a more efficient manner

How DARE you be faster than me and save time, you MUST suffer like the rest of us

I kicked a crab that had gotten out of the bucket when I was buying crabs from the mexican store in the black neighborhood the other day

People who drive motorcycles are fun to be around but they're usually low iq retards.

Attached: 1654511520216.png (720x363, 396.49K)

Sure, but then you absolve other drivers of all responsibility

In my neck of the woods, I'd say no. The California, Texas and natives all drive like lunatics. For the bikers safety of course.

If you sat at the back of traffic here you would fail your test. You're expected to "make progress" on a bike. Also they encourage slight speeding. The idea being if you're travelling faster then you're less likely to get rearended or have a car attempt to overtake. In general the ethos is summed as "you're the most vulnerable road user, don't make it more dangerous for yourself". A bike at the back of a traffic jam is obviously in danger as you're less likely to be seen and rhe consequences of being rear ended are significantly higher. This is just common sense.

Lmao I love this cope.

that's not a traffic jam, it's a red light

That’s legal in some states. Motorcyclists wanted that in my state because they kept getting rear ended. They typically accelerate faster than cars so its fine.

>why can't I just cut in the front of the line
Why stop at traffic stops why not as someone that rides a motorcycle can't you just skip all the lines people deal with?
Line at a government office? Just cut to the front.
Line at a checkout? Cut the way to the front.
Airports? Front
Drive through? Front.

This, here you get taught in schools to always speed, better a ticket than dying to some blind grandma in EUV


Attached: bike.webm (640x352, 2.89M)

Same thing, you're a hard to see, incredibly vulnerable person sat stationary on the road. As a pedestrian, would you stand behind the last car waiting at the traffic light? Being hit while stopped on a bike is the same or worse as being stood on the road.

a red light isn't the same as a traffic jam

It is "legal" here. We even have this.

Attached: bolsao-motociclista-denio-simoes-agencia-brasilia-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 130.43K)

Being hit and flattened between two cars feels the same, light or not. But fine, correct to "stationary traffic" and read again, if you want to be pedantic.

Yes, did it all the time when I had my ninja in Cali. Always infront, also fun to ride with other people. If people don't like it they can fuck off. We wear armored gloves, I'll punch your mirror off and speed off.

Attached: FThxWeYXoAAmptZ.jpg (787x900, 86.57K)

i'll read your entire post as "i bought a hard to see vehicle on purpose so i can do dangerous things" and that's fine, but my eyesight at night isn't great

>Should lane splitting be legal? I ride a motorcycle, why can't I just cut in the front of the line at traffic stops?
Because you are not supposed to overtake from the right lane. Also there are so many blind spots that it might be easier for you but it adds problems for others

It's also dangerous if all cars are moving let's say 15 km/h in traffic and you try to overtake at 60 km/h

Wasn't expecting a rekt vid. Especially THAT graphic. Made me puke a little. Well done.