UKRAINE RISK - /uhg/ vs /chug/ V2.0

New, updated, faster map.
I hope some players from last week show up

We start at 4 players
You get 5 territories (blank tiles) when you start, and you will be allowed to roll next round

If you have any questions, ask away

Attached: 0.png (3220x3000, 849.56K)

I never played Risk before, so I can't participate. Wish everybody the best of fun

Any Forums risk is way different than traditional risk, and is super simple, i don't mind explaining. But thank you

Red, Orcistan, southern tip of Crimea

southermost odessa region

Attached: risk.png (3220x3000, 849.74K)

Nation name?



Note: please include your nation names in the name field in the reply box so i have an easier time figuring out who rolls what

palestinian crusader as name, purple as color

Huh? You're supposed to be the only one posting maps, brainlet.

Cockgoblin land

Attached: 1657997403547.png (3220x3000, 850.62K)

He just wanted to point out where he wants to start, i don't care


Attached: rd1.png (3220x3000, 858.21K)

fill odessa region

fill chernigov

Expand north

Expand east.

i wanna expand into my surronding areas but i dont know how.
rolling to expand west

Just like that

I take the last digits of your post number in which you rolled, as a roll. In which case you rolled doubs (40territories gain)