Which russian break-up is better for future peace and prosperity

Goal isnt just to break it but to prevent a million new wars with the new statelets. Each new country needs resources and borders they can defends, also needs a good deal of ethnic homogeneity. How?

Attached: russia-rf-political-alternative-breakup.png (1264x817, 58.27K)

much rather see the US breakup honestly

United States have been in wars 90% of the time being a country. They should split up.

when nato exists, there will be no peace anywhere. if you think that the alliance that has assembled the biggest economy and the biggest club is "peaceful and defensive" then I have bad news for you. you scared the whole world and woke them up that you can't be trusted.if the country does not obey your orders, it will simply be thrown into isolation

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Is that Ryan Gosling?

Attached: Russian_Empire_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (541x541, 132.4K)

>North Caucasian Fedetation
Which degenerate drew this map?

This is why i asked for a better map. Make north caucasus great again

There is no version of the map that would not eventually lead to a war of all with all and the subsequent destruction of the entire planet by nuclear weapons. You can draw maps of the partition of Russia as much as you like in your cozy tea drinking mugs, but the fact that preserving the integrity of a country whose nuclear potential allows you to erase all life on earth several times, in your own interests, will not change in any way.

It is a thing tho and you can't deny that. The moment they get the chance, they will go for independence

>CIA adopts the new “Decolonisation of Russia” psyop narrative on the latest conference
>can’t figure out how to do it themselves
>ask raging autists on Any Forums for help

This is the best timeline.

You don’t have that many nukes user.

Even all the nukes on Earth put together is only like 15k. The Soviet Union alone used to have like 40k back in the 80s.

I’m sure Russia will probably be making more now given the current situation, but still not enough to really put things down especially because the US would have to split their arsenal between Russia, Iran, North Korea and several other nations.

Russia would have to basically be in a state of collapse for that to happen and so far it seems remarkably stable.

Give it a time. By the way I would pretty much prefer to have Stable caucasus republics under Russian control rather than chimping out of jihadists and wahhabis

>Give it a time.

I would even suggest giving it as much as two more weeks.

Even after the collapse of the USSR, only Chechens went for independence. And even those eventually descended into internecine wars and Islamic radicalism. What can we say about the creation of some kind of federation with other nations? They don't treat each other very well.
A lot of charges will not be required. Many scenarios involve the creation of the effect of a nuclear winter or other impact on the Earth, which will lead to the destruction of life.

Cope, westie, Russia breaks up YOU, theorem never fails.


Attached: russiafixed.jpg (735x807, 138.16K)

I’m pretty nuclear winter turned out to be bullshit or much less significant than some people suggested.

Remember when Saddam threatened to set a bunch of oil pumps on fire and scientists where chimping out that it would cause a giant winter over the entire region and destroy everything and then when he lit it up the temperature dropped by a few degrees for a couple days?

If you want to end things then you will need a lot more nukes than just 6k as I’m pretty sure the amount of cities, industrial zones, military bases and important infrastructure in all of NATO is far more than 6k.

>I’m pretty nuclear winter turned out to be bullshit or much less significant than some people suggested.
>Remember when Saddam threatened to set a bunch of oil pumps on fire and scientists where chimping out that it would cause a giant winter over the entire region and destroy everything and then when he lit it up the temperature dropped by a few degrees for a couple days?
>If you want to end things then you will need a lot more nukes than just 6k as I’m pretty sure the amount of cities, industrial zones, military bases and important infrastructure in all of NATO is far more than 6k.
If you detonate 1 bomb of 100 megatons, then you will not need 6000 thousand warheads to blow up all the bases of NATO kek

China gets all the Siberian hydrocarbon fields for itself?