So the U.S. is setting Mexico up for Occupation

Clearly the Drug trade and Human Trafficking is never going to end... As the American Populous gets more frustrated and willing to do anything to solve the problem... And the US Goverment gets more ballsy and willing to live border free (NWO No Borders) They are going to use these circumstances for Mexican Occupation... It's going to be Afghanistan 2.0 and the US is going to make a shit ton of money Annexing Mexico taking all its factories and people.... Prove me wrong... If the Cartels keep this up boots on the ground is the only option and some President will call them Terroists using Fetynol as Chemical Weapons

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If nobody bought this stuff, it wouldn’t exist


Too late for that isn't it

It would make sense for the Globalists to Annex Mexico anyway they want this so they can control the filth below the border and give the Civilized breathing room... basically Mexico will turn into a Capitalistic Hellscape just like the US still better then China though

The cartels aren't just drug dealers. They control the factories, the farms, the banks, the colleges, the government. Its 100x worse than the Italian mafia ever was.

>Clearly the Drug trade and Human Trafficking is never going to end.
>proceed to explain some retarded larp about the hedonistic gringolems and their degenerate kike owners "finally" getting rid of the source of their pleasure, which took them decades to build up in the first place

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Yeah just like the taliban owning the farms and factories and this will be used to Announce Mexico as a Terrorist state

You do realize they will still have Drugs and Trafficking long after they annex you guys... they just going to use it as an excuse... just like Afghanistan still has poppy and terroists... the difference is we got what we came for in the Middle East they made money and got out.... but Mexico is a bigger prize and makes sense to Globalists they are going to take your country and replace your cartel with Bill Gates fucking dull beaner

A lot of well to do business orders in Mexico are just locking their doors and coming here. I work with a woman who just recently arrived from Caborca, the mafia is making businesses pay 40,000 pesos a month just to keep their businesses. Those who don't pay are killed and their business and house burnt down. They're burning up farms and ranches too. It's a mess down there

>War with mexicans.

Absolutely justified. That meth spewing cartel terrorist state needs to burn. I just want to kill some mexicans for their utter betrayal.

All the grigoy army did in the ME was to give them an excuse to displace the natives into europe, and to clear the clay for Israel. Also isn't the golem army like 50% beaner already?

How can you be this clueless at this point? What are they adding to your goyslop fren?

Mexicans need to pay for there crimes. "latinos" are bring their trashy cultural criminality to the United States. Fuck mexicans and fuck latinos.

nigger, we're not going to occupy mexico

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Right? America would have a much more manageable southern border if it were only as long as Mexico's Southern border...

Correct, and a lot of us Marines and regular army have strings to the narcos
Mexican traficantes make ISIS and Moslem terrorists look like playing children
The day the civilian population of the USA disarms is the day before they roll right across the border

>the colleges
Breddy sure nobody cares about fake degrees from mexico retard. The entire world comes to America for a real degree for a reason.

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Yeah 50% Goyim Ameribeaner they are going to White Wash the fuck out of your country economically makes sense too because all our factories are there... this will undercut China

We are already there in spirit all they need now is occupation

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We should have traded Ukraine to Russia and Taiwan to China and taken Mexico and just had world peace.

Oye vey Nathan, why so harsh

Yeah it would because they'll use all of Mexico as a buffer and build Prisons for the Venezuelans and Ecuadorean and McDonald's everywhere...

lmao you're about to implode due to your unparalleled cuckery and money printing and still believe sgt. tranny with the two moms is going to invade xir's country of origin of all places

cmon nigga