Why aren't women funny?

Why aren't women funny?

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being funny is overrated

there hasn't been a funny woman since Joan Rivers

They don't need to be

Because they are simply inferior

Humor was always meant as a coping mechanism for pain and women hardly every feel any pain. Childbirth is not that painful.
t. man who has pass kidney stones

the jew is right. don't need to be funny when you've got gash.

humor is a result of logical conflict between a premise/expectation and result, or from an astute observation of conflict between a logically expected cultural or social norm and a situation.

women cannot into logic, and cannot into astute observation. both are required, yet they possess neither. thus, not funny.


>t. man who has pass kidney stones
holy shit ouch. you must be funny as fuck.

Also the few funny women out there are fucked up beyond belief because of:

They’re only funny when I want to fuck them

I've heckled comedians and not gotten thrown out and have been mistaken for the real comedian, user.
I drink far less milk now.

cumtown ruined my sense of humor. nothing is funny to me anymore.

Attractive women aren't funny. I work with a ~60 year old dyke who clearly is gay because she couldn't get a man interested in her. She's fucking hilarious and savage when ripping on people. Conversely, there's a 45 year old MILF in my group who has never said a funny thing in her life, but all the men (myself included) pretend to laugh so she'll like us.

Women aren't really transgressive by nature. More on the side of being offended about everything. Your sense of humor, like mine, centers around transgression. Men, and Jews particularly, are naturally transgressive. It makes for better comedy.

Jews are funny as hell even if you hate what they do to the economy -- you have to admit Seinfeld is funny.

try to put your weiner inside the milf. older women are awesome.


Humor is a mating strategy. It usually demonstrates mental fitness (which women select for). An intelligent man is valuable. An intelligent woman is a liability.

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no reason for them to be. they expect men to be funny, adventurous, etc.

yeah jews can be funny

>t. man who has pass kidney stones
Stop being fat and drink ACV.

Not fat and in even better shape then. It's purely diet. Love milk. Not so much now.

I drink about a liter of milk a day and eat a shitton of cheese and never had it.

Are you drinking enough water too?

>you have to admit Seinfeld is funny.
Fuck you and fuck Seinberg.


Great taste. I listened to some of her early stuff and you can really feel something is special there, for a woman. Most women comedians try too hard to act fast and witty like men and it ends up just backfiring because it's so unnatural that it comes off really forced. With Joan, it is weird because she had that same wit and charisma as men, an almost aggressiveness that's matched by a legitimate confidence that you never see in female comedians. I guess it's obvious why she was so fire, seeing as how she was talking shit about Obama and his tranny husband right until her very end. And I believe she was a Trump supporter too. A literal unicorn in a blue sea filled with trash. Rest easy old girl, you earned it.

>Are you drinking enough water too?
I am now.

This IRL shitposter offers an explaination m.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLik9VOdQo

so glad that fuck is dead.

Tell us how you’re feeling were hurt by his polemy.

Learn English then come back, Sweden with more calories.