Vaxxies more likely to die of Covid

Data from Manitoba, Canada, the same data was recently censored in Quebec and Ontario provinces.

Source :

Also how do you archive a web page ? They might disappear it anytime just like Alberta did after a peak of Covid cases and deaths was shown immediately following vaccination.

Attached: de52d981-2c0d-4615-b8b2-99755033dd45_1170x1025.jpg (1170x1025, 112.01K)

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That's quite a big difference too.
Glad I never took it.

Attached: 1628422645735.jpg (1188x1472, 388.56K)

>old people more likely to be vaccinated
>vaccine doesn't have an effect on omicron
>old people more likely to die
>omg vaccine kills


Oh boy, incoming
>"it's anything but the vaccine!"
coping fag knockers.

even if you want to argue that mostly old people are in the death statistics, the vaccinated have a lower rate of ICU admission but higher death rate which means that more vaccinated people never make it into an ICU

Because you vaccinated people in elderly homes, but let them die there rather than make them suffer in an ICU.

its age standardized dumb dumb

The virus has definitely evolved past omicron. There are a positively multitudinous *plethora* of various types of COVID virus by now. These "vaccines" were a waste of time and money, at best.

And no one is saying (no one serious), at least relative to this observation and others in other studies, that these vaccines are killing people directly left and right. But they do appear to cause a sort of immune dysregulation, which does appear to contribute to a greater number of deaths from COVID and potentially from "all causes" (at least viral/bacterial and those related to certain organ dysfunctions).

>And no one is saying (no one serious), at least relative to this observation and others in other studies, that these vaccines are killing people directly left and right.
I'm saying this, and I'm absolutely serious (and correct).

Also, this:

>The third graph
It's like taking a loan out for your immune system after you get vaccinated. Each booster gives you a taste of what you sold to pharma.

Im saying relative to *this* observation.

I'm on your side, man, trust me, but this observation alone doesn't support it, that's all.

Nobody cares about covid anymore fuck off kike.

Yeah, but we do and should care about the potential negative effects on a vast swath of the world's populations due to these "vaccines".

The virus is a mild cold. 99% are gonna pull through this tragedy regardless of who died more. The deaths aren’t even legitimate. If break your neck with covid they put you down as dying if covid. If you broke your neck while having covid and had been vaccinated, they would put you down as dying if covid. There isn’t any data that exists that will show us the true numbers. This thread is a slide thread and nobody cares. You’ve been identified

Even if it was the case, wasnt the whole point of the ordeal to protect the vulnerable?

I've been identified? Lulz, k.

The fact is, having data like this *from* the Canadian government suggests that it is actually likely worse behind the scenes and with what isn't shown.

And like I said, the increase in deaths due to the (likely) immune dysfunction caused by the "vaccinations" will also correspond to a similar increase in deaths to all causes viral or bacterial as well as to issues with certain organs.

So go choke on a dick and let the adults talk, faggot.

She roofed your drink

Drugs are expensive, so say thank you.
That drink looks delicious though.