What humans looked like 300,000 years ago

what are the political implications of blacks not evolving for 300,000 years?

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Out of africa is propaganda

Memeflag seems correct here

Don't be Rama Rama

Nah, I ain't no fuckin' Nigger.

rip james brown


abos and the hobo nigger you see at the bus stop are the least evolved human. good to know

I wonder what the political fallout will be when the out of africa theory becomes untenable, which is starting to be the case?

Anyone with sense knows that blacks aren't human, yes.

True, but OP is still right. If we take their word for it, it means blacks are unevolved ape men. It by definition means whites are above them.
If we don’t take their word for it, it means blacks are the way they are by their own breeding, and we need have nothing to do with them, since we aren’t even related to them. They’re merely an offshoot that went wrong.

There are definitely modern blacks and Australian Aboriginals that still physically resemble this reconstruction of a primitive human. What are the implications of this?

Attached: 1-australian-aborigines-carlos-monforte.jpg (900x622, 161.46K)

The last class I took in college to graduate that wasn't part of my ChemE major was an Anthropology class
The teacher was a literal cuck
and would go on long monologues coping about race and IQ and out of Africa
It was crazy, because in highschool and before I was blue pilled
by this time I was a full schizo

all the arguments that I used to take for granted were 100%
>full of holes
The entire argument they have against race and IQ is about skin color
they straw man it like this
Which nobody is actually claiming

when you learn a lot about human evolution it also makes it seem highly unlikely that a mere 150k years took us from straight abbos to Germanics
they say it's more complicated than this sure, but it pretty much comes down to
>migrate and become Asians and Europeans

Oh look current day niggers

They are hominids but they are not human. Forcing us to live in a society with them is actually a Crime Against Humanity.

Whites are human
All shitskins are subhuman including you Mohammed.

Looks like the average Any Forumsturd cripple

Bullshit. Humans existed all around the earth.

But americripples are not white

my best guess is that great flood catastrophes hit other places harder
thus why we find most of the oldest remains in the tropical and sub tropical zones
Europe and NA are glaciated and that wipes out remains in a big way


At least Charles loves you, OP

Anybody who believes in evolution (the macro kind), globe earth, space, etc.., are completely subverted and lost. Come home, retards. They are hiding everything from you.

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