Brit/pol/ - Tony Blair Edition

>Sir Tony Blair has warned that the era of Western political and economic dominance was coming to an end, pointing to Russia's actions in Ukraine and the rise of China as the world's "second superpower".

>Delivering the annual Ditchley lecture the former prime minister said Western powers needed to increase their defence spending to maintain their military superiority while extending their "soft power" by building ties with developing nations.

>He said Vladimir Putin's "brutal and unjustified" invasion of Ukraine showed they could no longer automatically expect major world powers to abide by accepted international norms.

>"As a result of the actions of Putin, we cannot rely on the Chinese leadership to behave in the way we would consider rational," he said.

>"Don't misunderstand me.

>"I am not saying in the near term, that China would attempt to take Taiwan by force.

>"But we can't base our policy on the certainty that it wouldn't.

>"And even leaving to the side Taiwan, the reality is China under Xi's leadership is competing for influence and doing so aggressively."

>He said the biggest geopolitical change of this century will come from China, not Russia, as he called for a strategy to counter the country's increased power.

>"We are coming to the end of Western political and economic dominance," he said.

>"The world is going to be at least bi-polar and possibly multi-polar.

>"It is the first time in modern history that the East can be on equal terms with the West."

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>>He said Vladimir Putin's "brutal and unjustified" invasion of Ukraine showed they could no longer automatically expect major world powers to abide by accepted international norms.
Do you think 'hypocrite' is in Tony 'The War Criminal' Blair's vocabulary?

Sumer is icumen in lads.

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Crazy how white Brits earn 20% less than American Blacks, despite having a 15IQ advantage on them.

Goes to show the government you live under matters much more in your life outcomes than intelligence.


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that's not in any war criminals' dictionary. Look at what Bush said (the slip up)

WASSAIL to thee, brother

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Mad how you're hiding behind memeflags and don't know what you're talking about.

absolute cringe

>multi thread seethe
Been one of those days has it

Hope josh gets heatstroke this weekend

Been out all day mate unlike you cause you're a sad fucker.

Thanks for links and summary, Brit user - have a bump.

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He looks more and more like the Crypt keeper


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Wealth doesn't equal income.

Income shows how much a person can command for their labour in a free market, wealth is a measure of the assets one possesses. You're pursuing this falacious metric to avoid addressing the elephant in the room. British Boomers are the wealthiest people in the country by virtue of owning 80% of all the real estate that is hyperinflated by the mass migration ponzi scam, yet they earn nothing more than pensions, at your taxed expense. They're the lowest income earners yet are the wealthiest people. This example is enough to debunk your line of reasoning.

Keep coping, the British Tortie government and its monarchy has made you poorer than American negroes. A bitter pill to swallow I'm sure.

he sounds more and more like josh
it's like they're morphing into each other

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I sometimes see these little piss up waggons going around town centre. Always so annoying because they go so slow.

imagine if we built houses that looked nice, that would be funny haha.

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Wæs þu hæl my friend, mirie it is indeed.

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>Income shows how much a person can command for their labour in a free market
if there's 6 people in a house all claiming welfare, the houshold income will be pretty high

Holy shit this dude looks fucking evil.

>Bush slip up
You'll have to narrow that down, and Senior or Dubya?

Loudly sing cuckoo

Based and DRVIDpilled

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>plastic cup
Neck yourself you fucking cunt.

The Tories have failed to provide white Brits a life worth living that is statistically better than their American negro counterparts.

It's a fact, own it.

Where you off to lad? Out on an excursion?

How very rude.

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>give us more money to military, support sanctions and prepare to become poorer
is what I read from this
>"The world is going to be at least bi-polar and possibly multi-polar.
what Putin said in 2007 during his Munich speech
much wow

he might be on about this from a few weeks ago:

is water edible?
asking for a friend

no need to listen to any big mouth talking about geo-politics, they are like parasites in the system.

Sajid Jarvis's head looks like a fucking meat ball

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Starmer is icumen in lads

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'potable' is the expression you use for liquids. But, sure.

reminder not to take brit/pol/ too seriously

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>this is our greatest ally

just fucking end us already

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