List of things prohibited or disliked in Islam

You already know about pork and alcohol but did you know the follow things are also either prohibited by the sharia or hated by Muslims and you should avoid doing them. (I also didn't include the other obvious ones like Zionism, Usury, LGBT, etc)

>Football (this is not a prohibition but recommended to not cheer on a team/get too involved in cheering kaffirs)
>Refusal to learn any Arabic
>Praying in any language besides Arabic
>Dog ownership
>Drawing of images
>Cursing of Sahaba (anyone who does this is a kaffir)
>Cursing of Mua'wiya (anyone who does this is a kaffir)
>Not taking a neutral stance on Yazeed
>Associating with Christians and Jews,although eating their meat is allowed
>Taking a Christian or Jew as a friend
>Tattoos and piercings
>Associating with Shias
>Eating meat of Shias
>Praying behind Shias
>Taking of Shias as friends
>Supporting Iran
>Praising Khomeini
>Supporting Hoothis
>Dislike of Saudi Arabia
>Dislike of UAE
>Criticism of Muslim governments and rulers
>Rebelling against governments and rulers
>Wearing of shorts above the knee
>Wearing of pants above ankles
>Skin fade and short back and side haircuts
>Shaving of beard
>Wearing of logos on clothes such as Nike, Adidas, etc
>McDonalds and KFC
>Yawning and failing to repress the yawn
>Not licking your fingers after eating
>Listening to Music
>Watching movies
>Going to the theatre
>Protesting against Muslim governments
>Using of anti-pain medication/asprin for pain rather than reciting Al-Fatiha
>Praying without Wudu
>Taking knowledge from non-Muslims
>Studying Philosophy and using it in debates with atheists
>Allowing your wife to open the front door of your home
>Allowing your wife to interact with non-Mahram men
>Freemixing of men and women
>Criticism of scholars like Albani and Bin Baz

The proof i am using is any AbdulRahman Hassan or Dawah Man or Shamsi video.

You're welcome.

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>AbdulRahman Hassan or Dawah Man or Shams
I agree with most of those but c'mon ahk

What's the problem? All 3 of those alone probably have nearly a billion followers. Their videos get loads of views from Muslims and thousands of comments a day. It's not like they are some unknowns.

That doesn't make them right about everything. At least quote an actual scholar or muslim academic. These kaffir won't care about what you have to say anyway.

You’re promoting only one black/white interpretation on many of these points which have some more nuance behind them

All of them are well respected as Islamic students of knowledge. Their refutations of Mohammed Hijab for instance are well respected and Hijab himself has millions of followers but lost many of them the moment the Salafis called him out for using philosophy, Actual scholars; Bin Baz, Fawzan, Al-Albaani etc, Ibn Taymiyyah, all of what i posted if affirmed by them.

What's the issue with Mohammed Hijab? I've seen him BTFO a bunch of christians/athiests

There's no nuance

Go ask a single Sunni on Salafi Twitter who follows someone like Farid what he thinks of Iran for example or Khomeini. You think he will say there's nuance? lol



None of them even follow half of this.

In America we discrimate against all religions that aren't hypocritical. We don't want China or islam.

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I didnt say all of your points.

Dog ownership, non muslim friends, criticizing scholars, philosophy, drawing images aren’t as simple as you present them. Also a lot of these points you made are debated amongst sunni scholars.

imagine being part of cult where drawing images has to be debated lmao

>A nigger trying to play the role of God.
>Look guys, Islam prohibits these things.
Why do you worship niggers bong?

Racism is also prohibited in Islam

Well considering the history of worshipping images and idols, you might understand why a monotheistic religion would prohibit such a thing.

He’s just a student presenting rulings that have supporting textual evidence from the Quran and teachings of the prophet peace be upon him.

Nobody actually gives much of a shit about these forbidden things in Islam. Allah is like a literal person in the sky to them, if you're hiding inside then Allah can't see you, if you're cross the sea and you're in Bahrain or Qatar, you're too far for Allah to judge you. It really is that bad.
Anyways, the men fuck each other and as long as they're not super public or flamboyant about it, nobody cares. "Homosexuality" to them means open homosexuality. They're also inbred. The Islamic State/ISIS guys were pretty serious about the rules though, but that's a big exception.

Nigger nigger nigger

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So no fun basically. Got it.

Except all the stuff about Arabs being better than non-Arabs and Mohammad's tribe being better than other Arabs

Yeah I'm thinking based

Muslims are allowed to own dogs.
They aren't allowed to keep the dogs in the house as pets.
Keeping dogs outside as guards is fine.

Most of the world thinks white people kissing their dogs on the mouth and sleeping in the bed with them is disgusting, it's not just muslims

>list of things prohibited by Islam
>nothing about drinking camel piss
>nothing about not sexually abusing children.

Also this
>Not licking your fingers after eating
Is disgusting

Get the fuck out of Britain pakiman.