LGBT-inclusive White supremacy now

You cannot stop it. It hasn't even begun.

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I am quite liberal on most things except on racial issue and jewish question.

femboi far right

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how did you find this picture of me and my bf

never had a problem with lgbt as long as it's not ideological like today. I'm a fag myself.

janusz korwin is the peak that polish right can get kek

Holy mother of fucking cope.

>nazi image

nazbol gang

Death to Fags


I'd kill nazbols without a second thought but retards like you have to go back

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You let faggots be out in public and their grooming your kids and cutting their genitals off within a few years fuck faggots they spread diseases…the slippery slope is real

LGB are fine if they shut the fuck up about it and just mind their own business. T has no place among humanity, it is a transhumanist religion.

if faggots head the extermination of trannies their crimes of nature can be forgiven
right now legalizing gay marriage led to collapse of western civilization

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don't bring filth onto transhumanism dog fucker, I want my robotic limbs

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These transhumanists arent going to ask permission... they want to push 'forward' humanity all at once with genetic therapy. In my utopia you will be allowed to do some transhumanist things. It is basically about free choice.

you're alright leaf

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*blergh* sorry had to throw up because that really disgust me. Like seeing maggots writhing around in a corpse. God damn sphincter junkies