Why are walkable cities common sense to everyone but Americans?

Why are walkable cities common sense to everyone but Americans?

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Once the population drops 70% a lot most cities are going to be transformed into parks

How did the traffic get better without a highway?

>Why are americans so against public transportation but common sense to europeans?
>Why are americans so religious while europeans prefer science and rationality?
>Why did Americans absolutely refuse to wear masks and get vaccinated while it was just common sense to Europeans?
>Why are things like universal healthcare, affordable higher education, excellent public transportation, and strong worker's rights just common sense to Europeans but completely alien concepts to Americans?

less cars - less traffic you dumb american

It didn't. They're lying. Boston did the same thing. Ask yourself if you think traffic is Boston is better today.

Because fuck you

All they did was move the traffic somewhere else and make it worse. This is standard leftwing misdirection.

No idea
It's almost as if something is holding back progress

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Why does this thread get posted daily and mods never delete it as spam?

Because walkable cities inevitably need to import large chunks of their labor from poorer areas. And all you've done is make it impossible for them to get to work.
Of course if you banned speculation and foreigners from owning property that wouldn't be true.
But that's antisemitic or something.

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Why is slavery common sense to everyone but Whites?

Might be nice, I wish the city I grew up in wasn't so diversified, then maybe we too could have had a successful "walkable city"

Why is everything a fucking catchphrase these days? It's so tiresome.

Who's gonna do the construction work?

It's political

Kill yourself

>living in a city

Traffic becomes 0 when no road, the problem is solved

It's so much easier to get the popular girls at college to bleat (catchphrase) than to convince men with logic and debate.

We didn’t design the cities rabbi, you did.

The immigrants of course!

the car was invented in the US.
the biggesf infrastructure project america has ever done to date is the interstate project.
and roads take priority in tax dollars for repair and maintenence compared to side walks
our railroads are not nationalized and instead owned by one company.
alot of bus system are planned out like shit.
walkable cities are more expensive and drive the housing price up.

He said it did, okay?
Who are you to question a journalist? A scientist? A doctor?

>against public transportation
Because Americans rarely live in high enough density to justify it.
>americans so religious
Religion creates happy families and safe communities.
>prefer science and rationality?
Science is your religion but you don't even do that well.
>refuse to wear masks
Because it's not effective in a pandemic. If making is required then everyone must be quarantined.
>get vaccinated
The vax hasn't been tested and isn't effective enough to justify the risk. Most Americans have had Covid once or twice. It's not even the common cold.
>universal healthcare
Still uses insurance systems.
>affordable higher education
European education is like an extended American two year public college that is dirt cheap. There's affordable options.
>excellent public transportation
Impossible as the vast majority live in low density housing.
>strong worker's rights
Your pay is crap. Europeans move to the US to make money.
>common sense to Europeans
Europeans are cattle.

Americans work the longest hours of any western country. If you had to also walk everywhere, then you'd never get anything done.

i'M FROM Europe and Europe is already fuck, they are already in the new world order.. people will be track on everything and will own nothing.. European are stupid ass fuck, they believe everything we told them.
America have balls and stand together. From USA

>Religion creates happy families and safe communities.
I would much rather be around irreligious Scandinavians and Japs than religious Africans and Arabs.