What are the political implications of The Dark Crystal 1982 and follow up tv series from Netflix...

What are the political implications of The Dark Crystal 1982 and follow up tv series from Netflix, which got cancelled after the first season.
Did they figure out the metaphor to early or was it too late and it should never have been aired?

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It was too expensive to produce imo

I can never get through it. They made it way too weird.

That's indeed what they said, but that is not an answer to my question though.

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The original was always neich

Skeksis talons typed this.

The skeksis/Jew analogy was obvious and blatent imo

This is a cult classic amongst millennial/gen-x women. I used to be forced to watch what they watched as a kid. Didn't like this one. There were other movies in the same genre that were good though I can't think of their names right now.

>eVeRythIng Is tHe jeWSss
Consider therapy

What, you think im going to EAT you??? HHHMMMMM??

>Consider Jew trained mind wizards

A different take on the movie/series. Thanks for your input.

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even if never consciously intended by Hensen and their crew, it's a blood level folk memory among European descended people and represents itself naturally. Even if Jews were finally exterminated, in 200 years Europeans would still conjur these images and preconceptions, it's that engrained in us.

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Consider voluntary extinction.

Consider your cucked life

I'm kinda surprised it was made, myself. The metaphor is pretty obvious, but not ones that jews would be likely to want to admit to. Maybe they just didnt think it through? Great show though. Frankly, even jews dont mind shitting on themselves if they can make a dirty shekel from it...

We had/have proverbs about several different countries/species. Which are forbidden now. These are being erased from dictionaries and people's memory. Many civilizations have tried to warn us before. Just remember who you are.

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well, something must be sacrificed for this
>inb4 disjew

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These days they even want to ban all Dracula films, because it puts jews in a bad manner.

Blame American corporation for this. They are being ruled by oligarchs.

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Well, there will always be a kike somewhere kvetching the day away, kek. But they still make a lot of vampire movies and shows. What they do is try to slowly dissociate jews from vampires, etc. Like the old depictions of dracula have star of david and jew features but you dont see it now... vamps are almost always european looking now

Consider not being a fatherless faggot.

The labyrinth, goonies