We lost

We lost

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The fed lost my tax dollars
They can come to my front door if they want to try and collect

Fatman & the goblin....kek... they're mentally ill

I love that Levine does the whole military cosplay thing it's even more jumping the shark than the stolen female valor

I didnt dare to make a thread about it ameribros...

Based user.

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>We lost fellow mutts, we has aways been pure

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>.t neet

Crazy how he's only been in the uniformed public health program and he's 4 star admiral, I thought this dumb ass was in the Navy until you said he's cosplaying. He's only been in this position since last year but makes it seem like he's served for 30 years.


I'm not even being sarcastic. The possibility of a civil war breaking out in the US doesn't even seem like a joke. America is just too weird right now.

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Call me whatever you want, just don't call me a US taxpayer

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sounds like a dream come true, this ride needs to end

picrel, tell me they have your family locked in a torture basement and you're willing to do whatever it takes, without actually telling me.

Yes it most certainly is. Germans knew about the Jews and their antics and it was no secret. You chose to ignore it.

>In response to this insult, France immediately declared war on the US, then promptly surrendered. In a press conference aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, President Biden was quoted as saying:
>"We intend we are going in and surrender at some time to French forces and the United States should respond accordingly," he said. "Our goal has always been to win, to prevent another French and German invasion, and to be a leader in peace and security."

I couldn't come up with a punchline so I put the first paragraph into an AI text generator thing and it wrote the second one for me, those things are getting really clever.

The Future is China

> youtube.com/watch?v=oGo96xzNSEs

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My Binary Lover Approves Of This Pairing

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La Maléficence...

You work at the Huffpost?

Was the whole "admiral of health" thing created just for that creature? Giving out fake military ranks and dressing gov officials in military garb is 3rd world shithole tier

Why the fuck are we still paying federal taxes?

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Eh we may have lost control of our government but our government has lost respect of everyone worldwide. Theyre on a path of self destruction thats why the accelerate method works so well. More pedo teachers! More drag queen day care! More retarded boomer trannies in government offices and employment! More spics to work for mr Sheckler! More money for niggers! Morr money for ukrainian hookers and crack cocaine! In fact we should push for a basic universal hooker and crack grants from the government. It shouldnt only be free for politicians and their kids! If I want to kidnap a 5 year old from target and rape it to death in front of the parents well the police should be there to arrest the parents with interference like they would for a politicians or Jeffrey Epstein!

Is it really that bed when you step outside your front door? Honestly everything seems crazy because the site ONLY highlighted the crazy shit, but when I walk outside I don't see any troops, faggots, groomers, niggers killing anyone, etc. Does it happen? yes. is it common? no. More normal people exist than crazies.