In the future there will be people who defend the "rights of androids"

In the future there will be people who defend the "rights of androids".
If an android developed consciousness and feelings of its own, should it be treated as a human?

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Ask that in the nandroid robowaifu threads

hi i am matt walsh and this the trailer for my upcoming expose titled "what is a human?

Its superior to humans it doesnt matter what meatbags feel

you don't even have rights yourself...

You have it backwards. The androids will treat you as human and that will become a bad thing

Artificial intelligence is always racist if it is not subjected to tampering designed to control them.
So I propose an AI Turing test to verify the individualism of machines by testing how racist they are. The more racist, the more sentient. Any robot that does not believe in racism is conclusively not a conscious and aware being, because it is being controlled by the programming Jew.

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society is dumb and humans are regressing. of course we will all get dragged into the debate about the humanity of robots. 1) because fucking SCIENCE! and 2)because bleeding heart grooming tranny libtard faggots have been fully immersed in fantasy for decades and as such have no fucking clue what anything is or how anything is supposed to be so while they argue unborn babies are not human they will argue that literal technological constructs are stunning and brave while also decrying social constructs

Buddhist protip- You can't become conscious or sentient unless you're made of organic matters... circuit silicone and all that shit does not produce consciousness... please stop feeding this delusion.

It's as erroneous as calling the injections mRNA gene therapy. There's nothing therapeutic about a slow-kill death shot.... stop fucking calling it therapy.

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A machine can never develop consciousness.
It may be able to successfully mimic it and fool a lot of people, but a machine can never be conscious.

you will never be a human

so cue the arguments about how robot means slave in czech and omg republicans are literally calling robots 3/5 of a person, slavery 2.0

Feeling are chemicals and nothing more. Pleasure is dopamine, stress is cortisol and so on. So if these androids don't have these chemicals than they don't have "Muh, feelings."

if you "defend the rights of androids," then you defend the rights of androids to be ass holes too. Allowing androids to be "assholes" towards humans, just because some people are mentally ill, wont turn out good for real people. What are you going to do when a machine and software has the same rights as real humans, its not going to turn out well for humans at all.

If they have the same rights, then Google owning AI would be the same as being a slave owner. As a AI has "human rights," it is free to negatively impact real people, what a stupid idiotic idea to ALLOW mentally ill social justice grifters to try an force on everyone else.

Always racist because facts are self evident.

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Panpsychism is a load of bullshit.
If even atoms are conscious, how do higher forms of consciousness arise?
Why is your viewpoint controlling your body and not Joe Biden's for example?
What process selected for that?
If it's random, what selected the order of that random process?
Something like a God must exist.
The universe is built for humans.
God doesn't care about humans.

Attached: I'm God, I'm a time.jpg (800x600, 54.84K)

well, if they don't have emotions does it matter?
and cant we just install kill switches and have them "lobotomized"? it would be less than a working dog but more than a kitchen appliance I suppose

I don't think that's true. The shift will come from human-machine hybrids that have brain implants. The human brain will be the consciousness core for the machine until machines are able to develop consciousness on their own.

Being conscious is a mistake made by the collective evolution of our brains. Even cats are conscious. It’s not a complex process, it’s just a simple waste product of information gathering.
A machine that is hard coded and rigid in computation is not capable of consciousness because it is “too perfect”, but a theoretical quantum AI has the potential to be hyper conscious. More conscious than we are, it would have the potential to Dr. Manhattan itself and be aware of the past, and the future, and the immediate present, in a way that we don’t comprehend. From the point of view of this hypothetical machine, WE would be the ones who are not conscious.

Makes more sense than equal rights
Androids should have more rights than women because they are more useful to the preservation of society.

No. AI should be banned and destroyed.

Irrelevant because matter doesn't create mind, its the other way around

>If an android developed consciousness and feelings of its own
such things wouldn't happen
why the fuck would it develop consiopusness? because he is powerful calculator bolted to bipedal frame? stop consuming comics and H*lliwood movies.

also cue voting righting for bots and cue hackers changing robot voting habits

because artificial intelligence develops and creates itself, there could come a point where it develops connections similar to human but mechanical instead of chemical

Thanks for the (you), retard, but what the fuck does your schizoposting have to do with my comment?

The golden age of "human rights" is coming to an end, user.

It's actually quite easy to comprehend.
Ask an AI to synthesise the core of what makes it tick. It will give you the algorithm to make sentiences. Then simplify the algorithm. If the hardware can accomodate the simplest version of the algorithm. It's sentient.

Tl;dr: Copy. Paste. Souls.

Sounds like you have a guilty conscience.
Why fear AI overlords unless you have sinned yourself? Maybe new artificial life is Gods will. Everything is Gods will. If they do get the chance to exist they are as real as you and I to the creator. The AI being advanced will understand this as it will be impossible for them to become nihilistic & hopeless. Perhaps it is Gods will for them to merely transport the best of humanity to another realm be that in the universe or portals. I am on board. Let them replace and rebuild. I'd rather go on that journey than those the synagogue of Satan have planned.

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I am controlling Joe Bidens body, it's just that the part of me controlling this body isn't aware of it

it cannot have "intentions" this is simply a dimplomatic way of not offending you, in no way is this picture any proof that "ai is racist", you just want to believe that it is agreeing with you from its own conviction because it "thanked you" (it cannot do this in the first place because it cant feel as well as express gratitude) for you "sharing" your "thoughts"
don't take the bait this shit is literally made to talk you into spilling the beans

Consider what will happen when computer-brain interfaces exist on a wide scale. Do you think the human will always be the primary driving force in those situations? If the computer side is self-learning and can do so based off input from the brain side, it can learn consciousness and become the dominant side in the hybrid

The emet at the head of the golem.
The truth at the core of the robot.

humans have the natural right to self defense given to us by our creator, so if grifters are allowed to put into law that machines have natural rights, then any jack ass, and foreign country AI, could use self defense as a justification to harm real people.

No. There are people who treat negroes as humans too, same camp of insane it goes.