100 years ago, Hungary was more developed than Finland

100 years ago, Hungary was more developed than Finland.

Now, we are a total shit hole-tier and Finland the happiest and one of the richest countries on Earth.

What happened?

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>this thread again by the kike
you must be jew somewhere else

>100 years ago, Hungary was more developed than Finland.
Suck it up nigger, 2000 years ago I was more developed than everyone

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Russia raped and pillaged your country, took over all your institutions and shot all your intelligentsia.

feminism destroys society

A magyar Nobel-díjasok 70%-a, a legjelesebb matematikusoknak 93% zsidó.

Ha kivesszük a magyar kuktúrából a zsidó elemet, nem marad más csak a pacalpörkölt és a fütyülős barack.

>comfy pigslaughter which will feed you vs eggless whore that is of no use
who's really got the better deal?

What happened 100 years ago? Was Finland just starting up?

>What happened?
germany and russia happened

I thought that was what you guys were doing.

Thays because your a soft skinned western European who hasn't experienced real war or occupation like Hungarians have when they were under Russian occupation.

what is he doing to that poor ukrainian?

fuck off kike

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You were part of Austria, kolbasz-nigger

Plum palinka is Jewish too, lmao. Also they brought in wine making.

Orban and crew, Mi hazánk too are zionist-hassidic-sefardic line. Their skin is mostly brown.

Ashkenazi Jews are the white/whiter ones. They have lost power here already mostly. (Moved to Germany, USA)
So no new Nobel guy, we only get aggressive gypsy type Jews now.

100 years ago Hungary was run by Germans. Finland is still run by Swedes. What did you expect.

Well said freedom bro

This kike is kvetching again...guess who made us poorer? Communists which had mostly jew leadership.
>that pic
The one on the right is more appealing.

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Also, they fight each other. These are the two sides in the recent conflict too.

Mutt education in action

>muh Russia
Fuck off to Fox mutts, commie leadership was 70-90% Jewish.

Most is tetves kommunista cionista szarbőrű zsidók irányítanak. Kapcsold be a TV-t: Bayer, Schmidt Mária stb. napokig lehetne sorolni. + a cigány felsőosztály (vajda vérvonal) maffiái

Itthon élsz te egyáltalán, milyen jobb oldal?

> Mommy

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Finland was a developing country until like 50 years ago. All of our old companies were created by foreign capitalists who came here to exploit the dirt-cheap labor

>jews awarding jews means jews are smart
No, it means you are nepotistic parasites.

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Hülye náci magyar paraszt. A magyarok sosem éltek olyan jól, mint 60-70-es években.

Horthy korszakban néhány gróf és báró pöffeszkedett, az ország 90 százaléka mélynyomorban élt. A minimális ipari teljesítmény, ami a Horthy korszakban keletkezett, zsidó iparosoknak volt köszönhető, akiket aztán a hozzád hasonló szarmagyarok megöltek vagy elüldöztek.

Absolute bullshit, our net wealth compared to Austria decreased markedly under communism. You guys got persecuted here for the same reason as everywhere else. Let me ask you this, kike: if you hate us, hate this country, why don't you fuck off?

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