Boomer user, how easy it was to get into the hippie circle in the 70s? 1/10 by difficutly, 5/10, 666/10?

Boomer user, how easy it was to get into the hippie circle in the 70s? 1/10 by difficutly, 5/10, 666/10?

Were there normal people too, or only oligarch's kids?

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If you were a woman, easy mode
If you were a guy, either be a chad or get rejected

Watch the movie Blow with Johnny Depp.
It was dead easy to get into that culture.
Cost. 1 bag of weed.

I've seen a large amount of normal to below normal looking boomer men with top milfs who were even more attractive in their youth. It was a different world you were just competing with whoever was in her limited social circle.

Hippies buried hippidom in 1967, anyone claiming to be a hippy after that was considered a narc(fed) among those who were.

The hippies in that picture are all well into their seventies. They ain't here idiot.

Hippies were rich kids or Feds. So if you’re one of those, no problem.

Boomer here, those hippie chicks never washed or shaved their pits and their pussies smelled like road kill. and those long haired peace freaks were worthless pieces of shit who fled the country to Canada when it came time to go kill some commies.

Have acid. You are now accepted. Its easy

Have copious amounts of claviceps purpuria alkaloid derivative compounds - easy peasy. But also, fuck anti war hippy shit stains who called our soldiers baby killers. I hated them then and hate them now. Importantly, these fucks still exist. Remember Iraq and their cunt expression "we support the troops but not the mission"? Yeah. That's like saying we support the miami dolphins we just don't want them to win the support bowl. Fuck hippies and fuck everything about them. They were rat fucks then and their present day counterparts are rat fucks now. Kent state was a good start. Antifa is what they've evolved into. Worthless leftist scum bags will always be worthless leftist scum bags. The only good commie is a dead commie. At least the old hippie broads smelled like patchouli and weren't 350 lb land whale fat fuck lesbians like their disgusting present day counterparts.

Cant reply system thinks is spam.

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Well that's a movie.

Kys kike

They should have dropped a daisy cutter on Woodstock, America would be a better place.

same as now really, chads get hot pussy. Biggest difference was that ugly chicks were skinny.

>ugly chicks were skinny
and white

The Iraq war was stupid, you neocohen

It was a young people's subculture. Just imitate them, don't be all-around weird and you're in.
You've been in school, didn't you?

Lol. Settle down boomer. The hippies were certainly degenerates, but at least they weren’t dumb faggots who willingly sacrificed their lives for the military industrial complex. You probably still think Iraq was about “fighten em’ over there so we don’t have to face em’ here!” Dumb worthless boomer. Still don’t get it do you. The right/left dichotomy is all a show for retards like you. You would never dream of lifting a hand against those that rob most of your children’s income every year through taxes and inflation. You could care less about the people who have destroyed your bloodline and it’s economic and biological future. All you care about is killing foreigners in countries that you can’t find on a map because your masters told you to, and because it was socially acceptable. Your entire generation, from the stoned hippies to the dumb grunts, were all nothing more than NPC cannon fodder and wage slaves used to usher in the end of America as a relatively free place. You should die in shame.

correct, white or italian.

>military industrial comples
>right/left dichotomy
>muh income
>killing foreigners is bad
>muh wage slaves

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