/HBHD/ Hunter Biden Laptop Hard Drive General Restart #20+

The laptop leak was dropped by kiwi user and anons are starting to get the full file.
pic rel is from the dumps.
Also we now have a iPhone script to get files from the backup, FOR FREE.
We discuss the political implications

Continued from KiwiAnon:
Previous /hbg/: #

Iphone back up thread:
Kiwianons stream
New summery paste: ix.io/44j7
Hard drive magnet:
Magnets link to download:
Iphone without Photo roll

The file is legit as anons are starting to post images of hunters dealing and drug abuse
Expect much more posting in the coming days as more user get the files.
A good chunk of the peers from yesterday should have the file.
The most damaging items would most likely be the buisness/legal stuff
find the names of them and anons can start to rgaph them out to look for tax evasion, fraud ect with waltego and offshore leaks.

Archive with kiwi user
Python script for Iphone

Use zgrep to find interesting files
find folder -type f -exec zgrep "big guy" {} \;

>Tools To use
OffShore leaks: offshoreleaks.icij.org/
Grep Paste: ix.io/44j8
Maltego, (((Aleph))) (self hosted of course), Sqlite db viewer for csv files
Feel free to link anons to tools that may be of help.
If you can write scripts, automation makes success so pls send anything you know of.
Shills deny the obvious reality that is in front of them, you have seen the files, if not download them and decide for yourself.
Blank out Private information to avoid b&

Attached: A0BB2F6D-ECBA-4D6A-8527-B6E9E3EE9076.jpg (900x666, 148.54K)

OmG my hecking based and red pilled fellow pedes do we have any new images of hunter's dick???? I'm thinking that if we could get more close ups of his cock we can get our God-Emperor Drump back in office. dark maga baby awooooooo WWG1WGA


shut the fuck up trumpshite nigger faggot

memeflaggot propaganda

Why do Bannon and Guo keep targeting this board for their shitty little psyops?

ur moms pussy is propaganda libshite
stfu and seethe

This is over the 20th thread taken down. This is ridiculous. If there’s nothing to find why hide?

No offence (memeflag), but there was a memeflaggot in the threads yesterday, about 1/3 of the posts were their demoralisation tactics.

I think he's saying it's legit and we should keep going, otherwise why would it be censored? They wouldn't try to contain a fake leak. The kike and their alphabet boy pets are trying to contain and downplay and memory hole this like they did with the laptop in 2020.

i think hunter is looking good for a full pardon if even ever charged
screencap me


pic related is the most interesting thing i've seen so far. bump

Attached: 1657927190473.png (1439x1957, 1.5M)

Was Eric the guy getting money to Joe and James?

Eric Schwerin is Hunter's long time partner at Rosemont Seneca. he was pretty much involved in every deal Hunter did.

not incriminating

a piece in mosaic. the other one is "10% for the big guy" corroborated by tony boobalinski. a good prosecutor should be able to incorporate it in the bigger picture, I imagine. but it will never happend and all we gonna be left with are hunter's dick pics

it's amazing how POL has the power to turn a huge career ending leak into garbage that the world will ignore.

Based baker pulling out the og infographs

>tony boobalinski
tucker lost that copy in the mail, don't you remember?

Jannies finally took him out once they realized he was outright asking people to post CP

Attached: 341304DC-4C89-42FB-8C97-5919B45D8071.jpg (768x1024, 226.66K)

Checked but that’s far from the most interesting

Attached: 1EDDFC60-C951-45E9-B577-E618DCF3F9D3.jpg (1301x1689, 702.72K)

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