Everything he owns is in this picture and he's a millionaire...

everything he owns is in this picture and he's a millionaire. if the podlife / minimalist lifestyle is among the set of lifestyles that a millionaire would choose could it really be that bad of a lifestyle?

also fast man

Attached: 1622047325985.jpg (1200x831, 41.7K)

>millionaires are, by default, superior, or more intelligent, or something

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for him to be qualified as a pod lifer he has to have all these things rented and not owning.
Also where are his bug burgers

That's based and zen-pilled but who is this guy?!

Kek. The perfect basedlem goylem. Owns a drone and not a vacuum cleaner.

wtf is this?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-16 131339.jpg (143x137, 5.32K)

>vanity stick
>retard watch
>vanity drone
>gutless macbook
>Shits himself and ruins half of his pants
>No boots or fucking rain jacket

Maybe for traveling to a bughive this makes sense, but this is no way to live.

It's easy to live with few belongings when you've got the capacity to buy whatever you want at the drop of a hat, then give it away without sweating the value. The rich can live minimally and I'm sure it feels great. If you're poor you'll never survive without accumulating and holding onto item long term. The cost of reacquiring things you use a couple times a year would make the difference between sinking and swimming financially.

...so this dude rents?

Jogger shoes. For jogging and nogging

I'm a multi-millionaire and I could make a similar picture with all that I own.

(Technically I have a stash of camping gear for various environments in storage. But the rest fits in a backpack that goes everywhere I go.)

Vitalik has a recent post on his personal blog with his backpack and recommendations. I'm also a USB-C maxer like him. But I've yet to do this bags-in-bag scheme that he and the OP picture do. I probably will soon, because I make a big mess of my bag when looking for something small like my sun glasses.

It's a great lifestyle. Very freeing. But having money is probably key, or else you're just a bum.

based post

Those are Brapfoot Clodhoppers. Popular here in America.

Easy to live with few things when you have the safety of knowing you easily can get whatever you need further down the road.

Vibrams five fingers, they're pretty comfy but normies are fascinated by them and ask too many questions.

This is deceptively bougie. This guy does absolutely nothing for himself if this is all he owns.

For instance, pots, pans, forks, a shovel, a rag and bleach, a toilet brush, shower cleaner, any tools whatsoever. The only reason he can own so little is because he pays others to do so much.

Embarrassing, is what that is. Just goes to show, it's luck and nepotism more than brains that makes you a millionaire.

Nothing shows up under that name

>It's a great lifestyle. Very freeing. But having money is probably key, or else you're just a bum.
Probably? If this was all I owned I'd be fucking homeless. I have to own tools and kitchen utensils so I can cook and fix things myself. I can't afford to pay others endlessly to solve my problems. What the fuck guy how can you be so out of touch.

AirBnbs tend to have those things. I do most of my own cooking. I probably eat out or get delivery like twice a week.

The main expense is fully furnished rent. Airbnbs, hotels, hostels, etc.

But if you don't travel a bunch then you can find fully furnished living situations for long-term rental cheaper than unfurnished most places. You'll just be roommates with an older adult who has a spare guest room or something like that.

It's easy to be minimalist when you have a 100 foolproof exist strategy in the bank