Is any of it true?

Over the past few days, I’ve realised that all this NWO, great reset, vax stuff isn’t really, well, well thought out, like every other day there’s a huge fuckup to it. From Schwab being exposed so early on to mass vaccine hesitancy to farmers and truckers protests, to the french voting “no” on vaccine passports to some governments deciding to only use Novavax as a booster, which was the least dangerous Covid vaccine.

I wonder, are we just paranoid? The longer things go on, the less things seem to make sense when put into context of “a great reset” or “a new world order”. Like if the vax was intended to stop breeding, why did multiple countries develop their own with different levels of effectiveness and why are some now using the one from India, least likely to kill or negatively effect you? You could say cus of the bad publicity the others got but they could easily just force us to take them as ostracise from society those who didn’t even further agsin, but they, in most countries, haven’t. Could the answer be that our governments aren’t malicious but are just so genuinely fucking stupid that it comes off that way?

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I mean it is implemented by complete idiots. Usual corpo hiring and evolving problems are present in the WEF too.

This faggot is here to make everyone forget rothchilds and illuminati.

>Over the past few days, I’ve realised that all this NWO, great reset, vax stuff isn’t really, well, well thought out, like every other day there’s a huge fuckup to it.
Because it's not real. It's just retarded rightwing schizophrenia from moron boomers and mentally ill NEETs tweaking out about the inevitable results of their own capitalist policies

You believe in capitalism. That means you believe the government grants ownership of everything to rich people. Somehow, you all were stupid enough to believe this would help you? OK. People tried to speak sense to you but hillbillies were too stupid to understand it

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Their plans are horrifying, they're in positions with huge influence and power, they've mostly destroyed the family unit, and invalidated the social contract all males have with society, they've imported 10s of millions of incompatible people from the third world into our societies despite it being clearly destructive, they did everything but force an experimental drug into the majority of the developed world, and now this drug turns out to leave these monstrous structures to grow in the veins, which some speculate to being able to be controlled with short wave radio frequencies.

I wish I could be soo lucky.

>are we just being paranoid? they're just putting us on a train, we're probably going to disneyland

>84 years
Assuming he is hooked on Adrenochrome, he could be in a good shape for at least next ten years.
We are fucked

This. And since the scale of the conspiracy you can't possibly expect everything to pan out exactly as planned.
And it's not some sort of hivemind, there are different people with different interests involved, they are opportunistic and backstabbers in nature. Take Schwab for example, is and idealistic clown and some of his ideas are pure sci-fi delirium, someone like Soros is a lot more pragmatic and one could easily assume their interests are only shared untill a certain point. Their structure works exactly like mafia.

Your infograph is retarded, and represents the common core education system.

Congress is made up of two parts: The House of Representatives, and The Senate. All states get 2 senators in The Senate, giving them an equal representation within, Vice President acts as a tie breaker in some situations. House of Representatives is where each state gets representatives based on state population. You need over 50% in each to pass legislation onto President to sign into law.

Go back to school.

Shut up you fucking GED recipient pretentious pseudointellectual. Abolish the fucking senate and the electoral college. Democracy is all that matters. 1 person 1 vote not 50 extra votes per person for republicans

This ^

The new Western society these fucks have created is an abomination and flies in the face of human nature.

I hope to see the day Bill Gates is violently ended. God knows what that conniving, vindictive, little globalist shit is up to with his plans to buy up all available farmland in the US.

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>Shut up you fucking GED recipient pretentious pseudointellectual. Abolish the fucking senate and the electoral college. Democracy is all that matters. 1 person 1 vote not 50 extra votes per person for republicans
Imagine being such a retarded, disgusting old boomer you think you're going to convince people to accept having half the voting power of republicans in MAGAcountry just because of some stupid civics bullshit devised by literal slaveholders

Seethe and dilate harder

We'll see how you seethe and dilate when we abolish the senate and electoral college and diminish your voting power to the same amount that everyone else has

No failures. The protests accomplished nothing. They were useful to the cause. T demoralization.

You already died of covid (for being an insufferable fat ass) and are now posting in hell.


I really hate that psychopathic adult children like you are running things. It explains why everything recently is so retarded and gay.

If anything, it should reassure you than its not all set in stone. If they had their way, Omicron would never have been released and ended the worst of it, and mandatory inoculation would be on the table. We are however less than halfway into the endgame. Next comes war, famine and credit collapse. Then they will try their biggest heist yet, CBDCs and social credit, but if we keep moving at the same trajectory, it will not be as successful as they hope. By 2030 we will have something better, the precipice of a new golden age

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i trust the tiktok dancing roastie nurses putting the jab in your arm much less than the deathjab itself.

How is olam ha ba a theory? It’s a main part of Judaism to bring moshiach and usher in a one world government. Jews all over YouTube are posting videos celebrating it happening now.

Sometimes you guys say some stupid shit.

There's an old saying, never ascribe to malicious intent that which could be explained by stupidity
There's an even older saying, never ascribe to stupidity that which can be explained by Judaism

You are retarded. A US in which red states have no political power due to democratic oppression would lead to mass seccession. The union would fall apart.

The opinions of sheep don't matter to lions. I think the WEF Exist to provide answers and justifications to the worlds problems as they further divide and conquer us all

if you do then its open season on bluetards and fags. and its really easy to tell you apart from other whites.

People who cannot let go of the Democrat/Republican cult are killing us all. Wake the fuck up. There is no left. There is no right. Just stupid people fighting stupid people while corrupt politicians dry fuck their assholes. WAKE THE FUCK UP

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Checks out

No one or any group is in control that's the real red pill. Alot of people can't handle that reality so prefer to think that even some shadowy antagonistic group is at the wheel of the ship rather than the alternative of nothing at all.