It's my 35th birthday. No wife, no kids, 100k+ a yr job

It's my 35th birthday. No wife, no kids, 100k+ a yr job.

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Congrats nigger you're too old to enjoy late nights with an infant

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>no wife, no kids
So a completely useless member of society?

Only 100k at 35? Are you even trying?

What do you do?

You seem to coom and consoom all your free time. How much money do you spend on funkopops or other merchandise? You are sick in your head.

Based af.

31, no woman, no kids, no money.

Happy birthday user. I'm the same just at 38.

This. 100k is nothing these days.

OP is on the fag hot line whacking it to fernando

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Go full Elon Musk and be a man whore and get as many woman preggy.

That's your income. What is your net worth/wealth? My income is practically zero, but I own a 1/2 million dollar property (acreage) with multiple buildings on it, free and clear. I am married with 9 white children. I wouldn't trade places for anything. I'm 10 years older than you.

Genetic dead end

is this the leaf that called me a brazilian?

>wife, no kids, 100k+ a yr job.
Can't you just retire/partially retire and live comfortably but minimalistically on $35k and with an eastern european bride?

happy birthday user, hold out for a few more months, things are just getting interesting. i suggest you invest some of your savings into canned and dried foods, camping supplies, batteries water filtration cheap lighters tobacco and first aid stuff. also XRP
Janet Yellen was the (Rockefeller-appointed) chair of the G30 when that report was issued, and the SEC lawsuit (which was a stage play) looks to be ending shortly

the current social order is a reflection of the Saturnian inversion prized by the current Satanic ruling elites but big things will be happening soon and people like Any Forums autists will be well-prepared for the coming changes. If you can afford a parcel of land, you should buy some- ideally within 15-30 minutes of a mid-sized city (5-25k) with a water supply, defensible, enough land to plant a decent garden (half acre should be good)

Weird bot but ok

Good goy, breed more debt slaves for the satanic beast system.

degenerate coomer

This. Having children is a monstrous cruelty.