Americans, especially Americans on the West Coast (Best Coast) need water.

This is ridiculous.

America has control of the 5 largest freshwater lakes in the world, the "Great" lakes.

Why isn't that going to us? Us West Coast (Best Coast) Americans?

We are Americans, that water belongs to us.

Is it that we can't build big infrastructure projects anymore because the flyovers are too fucking lazy and let all their factories go to rust?

They call it the rust belt for a reason. Maybe hoarding all that water like selfish assholes is the reason why all your flyover industry is now completely inoperable.



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Woah, slow down Virginia Republican voter from 1935

Oh yeah I've heard about this before. Doesn't California have like a severe drought problem?

>live on a coast
>don't have water

>Americans, especially Americans on the West Coast (Best Coast) need water.
use desalination plants faggot.
>America has control of the 5 largest freshwater lakes in the world, the "Great" lakes.
No we don't, it's a joint ownership between Canada. It would violate international law to do anything to that water.
>We are Americans, that water belongs to us.
It belongs to the states surrounding those lakes and Canada, as a Michigantard you can go fuck yourself. I wouldn't even sell my piss to you faggots.

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Yeah we need water

California can't be trusted with other peoples water

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>as a Michigantard
Go try to kill your governor again you worthless flyover faggot

they have an overpopulation problem and a resource management problem and a whole host of logistics problems

Why can't the faggot leftist shithole called California, use antiquated technology to desalinate the billions on gallon of salt water that litters the western border of the entire fucking state?

Nobody cares, suck a cock and move from the shit stain of the country, kike

just sent it in a small diameter pipe to Arizona.We will care for it well

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You're not Americans.
You're Marxist socialist commies.
You will drink the piss.
You will live in fear.
You will die from gang violence.

>Why can't the faggot leftist shithole called California, use antiquated technology to desalinate the billions on gallon of salt water that litters the western border of the entire fucking state?

Because it creates brine, you goddamned tardnog

West coast and California is the worst and democrat place nigger

>Yeah we need water
The state of California is so profoundly retarded and if you can't figure out why you're not only part of the problem but also ignorant to the lies they tell you.

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Hear Hear! Best coast is crying out for water!

come get it fags, you'll die trying.

How can we grow almonds in a drought?

Desalination harms aquatic life so we have to dry up thousands of lakes creeks and streams to provide bath water for Mexico City 2.0.

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So use the brine to dilate or make pickles or some shit and use the fresh water for fresh water. Fuck prior are retarded.

>especially Americans on the west coast
I live in Washington. We have plenty of rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water to supply all of our water needs. Oregon to the south can say the same. The only best coast state that is having water issues is the worst state on the best coast. Don't make this a best coast issue when this is a YOU issue, California.

Stop growing so many almonds, build housing projects over your golf courses (ALL of your golf courses), and learn to fucking desalinate instead of trying the extremely energy intensive task of pumping water halfway across the US and through the goddamn Rocky Mountains. Do you have any idea how expensive that's gonna be? You are either going to have to drill a giant hole through mountains to get the pipeline to go through them, or you are going to have to use insane amounts of energy to push the water upwards to go over it.

California has the biggest beach front of any US continental US state, tell me why the fuck they can't utilize that to help their drought problem instead of spending billions on bullshit infrastructure that serves to only fuck everyone except Californians? It's honestly baffling whoever proposed this plan wasn't laughed put of the room. Guaranteed those kikes in California would expect all the states that pipeline would go through to pay put of their own pocket while simultaneously having no access to it.

How the fuck would it harm aquatic life? This is retarded. If they care more about some fish than dying of thirst they can fucking die.

>Mfw you can't even water your lawn in California or you get a $500 fine.

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>Do you have any idea how expensive that's gonna be?
Flyovers will pay for the Pipeline.

Commiefornia can't into desalination.

Solar desalination plant was proposed, but some russian jew bribed California authorities to put stop on that cheap and efficient plan.

>Mentally stunted Californian doesn't understand how the world works.

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even here in western ny (finger lakes region) people are trying to stop bitcoin faggots from mining or whatever because it'll fuck with our fresh water. why would we give water to you GRIDS-contaminated freaks? we're controlled by NYC but it's a tiny bit better than being out west.

You fags won't get a drop. You can't produce water, you're worthless. You deserve to dry up and die. Pretty soon you'll be the flyover state with the quality of life going downhill so fast.

Fuck off and drink ocean water, retard. there is an agreement in place with Canada. The US cannot just take the water and do as they please. It violates an international treaty.