Was Vietnam the most humiliating military defeat in history?

The Vietnamese had almost no technology, only their willpower.

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The vietnamese really have a nice history.
Kicked out the chinese / japanese / french and americans.

amerimutts always lose against high IQ nations

>The Vietnamese had almost no technology
The NVA had a semi modern army supplied from the soviets
they had heavy weapons
communication tech
modern small arms

Is Afghanistan included in that?

You just know she wanted that BWC

>The Vietnamese had almost no technology, only their willpower.
They shot down the jet aircraft that pilot was flying with their willpower?

Eat shit, jew subhuman


Afghanistan was far more embarrassing than nam
Nam was a high intensity war against a well supplied motivated enemy
Afghanistan was a faggot shit flinging fest vs goat herds high on fucking hash and opium

They ran away and left the Afghans an entire air force.

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do you have any idea the supply chains that it takes to keep a helicopter running for even a month?
They can't fly shit

You can just tell that he banged during the night when the other guards fell asleep.

They're currently operating these with no issues.

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>1.5 million dead gooks
>55k dead Americans
>communists pushed completely into Cambodia and out of Vietnam
>liberal tears.jpg
>war stops
You have liberals to thank for it. Vietnam wasn't a war, we fucking slaughtered those people.

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no, they are not

Who controls Vietnam yet again?

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My great uncle was a door gunner in Vietnam and admired the Vietnamese. However he said the only reason they lost the war is due to politicians who simply refused to allow them to engage meaningful targets. Cambodia should have been hit and Laos as well. Operations there were limited and the VC took full advantage of thst to the surprise of no one. It didn't help that in the 60s the Russians were surging a subversion campaign and backing terrorists like MLK and the Anti War Movement and Weather Undgerkund and other radical left wing groups

to be fair a lot of these restrictions were to avoid escalation with China a la Korea

The NVA sued for peace after Teht in '68 and after the US left, still took 4 years to take over a defenseless South Vietnam with no army.

its not like everyone was just a farmer
the Army had already defeated the French military several years prior and they actually had control of the entire country plus an actual motivation to maintain their presence here unlike the Americans

The VC kicked the fuck out of China i have no doubt our guys would have performed worse.

Err correction meant better*. We would have wiped the People's Army out in a conventional fight in that period. The VC smoked them

the war stopped because operation linebacker failed to destroy the North Vietnam war machine, you dumb loon. America knew at that point that the world would never end in the near future and cut their loss.

Russia won't exist by 2024

The VC were completely wiped out in 1968
the NVA beat China
and we were seeking to avoid a Nuclear escalation, not avoiding mowing down chink foot soldiers

there's an awful lot of dead fucking vietnamese and probably chinese too over there

getting your ass kicked for several years then the bad-ass leaving is not really a victory imo

America lost because they had nothing to fight for and Vietnamese people overwhelmingly didn't want them there.

There was a strong national identity in Vietnam, unlike Korea for example which is why the Korean War was more successful in winning over locals.

No, the Americans had no goal or plan, just sit there and get the money flowing. It was literally inevitable since they weren't doing anything to win.

Nazi Germany killed a lot of Russians, and what happened to them?

Yeah people love to meme about muh Guerrilla war
the NVA was a conventional fucking army
very well equipped and with experience
the utilized guerilla tactics, primarily in supply lines

but everyone LARPs about nam beating the USA with AKs and mud
fucking you gook niggers had
RPGs out the ass
heavy machine guns
etc etc
and above all else the WILL to die in mass

Wrll at least the chinks have the will power to defend their homeland and their culture, to the death even.
Meanwhile muttmerica now worshipping nigger.

Will to die against the tyrannical system.
Do you have the same will to turn your gun against your jews
Hell naw, two more weeks.