They found an alien tumbleweed. What are the political implications?

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I hecking love spacerino

looks like a bunch of medical masks got tangled and ripped up. Space Greta will be indifferent.

>he believes in space in 2022

Spaghetti monster god

mom's spaghetti


Good chance that it's an early evolving version of martian mycelium. I like to think, anyways.

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The way things are going i expect that by 2050 the basedliens will "visit us" and will recommend us to form a one world government

>What are the political implications?
Democrats consider unborn babies as less human that a martian hairball

> He still spreads a CIA meme in current_year.
Stop drinking from the poisoned well you retard.

Or it's a picture from the Mojave Desert or some shit. NASA is gay money hole.

Looks like some string got blown onto Devon island

Ok, now that's strange.

It's fucking left over shit from their other rover if you idiots did more than read a headline you would know this. Also space is as fake and gay as op

I didn't know they got the vaccine all the way to mars

google image searches will invalidate this within 3 months probably

Search for life everywhere
Find something that might suggest life
Explain it away saying its probably our trash from the landing
Why are we even there

How did the daygos get to mars before the rest of us?

It's the vaxx

Okay this has gone on long enough
If space is fake, so is the whole gay earth

Fuck off we’re full

>Also space is as fake and gay as op
No, god is. Stop being a cultist and accept reality. Your people need you and delusions like that will not help.

Found the chink.

>Imagine believing Devon Island is Mars in 2022..


gotta give it to these "people", they know how to have a laugh. its not an amyloid alien synth its just a spaghetti! omegafuckinglul

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Sorry, that's just some hay the fell off my boot when I was there last time.

who gives a shit? even if it was an alien life form this would be the most boring fucking life form we found outside of your average californian.

just imagine a bunch of retards crying about how we need to stop exploring mars to preserve the life of the spaghetians

Could you imagine being in the room when they had the meeting where someone brought up the idea of doing a disclosure teaser but make it that they found the clot parasite grave mind on mars?

Wheels weak
gravity's heavy
there's food on mars already
Space spegetti

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Garbage left by the Chinese

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I honestly don't know user. You, and a lot of other people, have been talking about how NASA doesn't actually do anything, and I get that that's a real possibility. But I don't know the reasons for why you say this. I understand that intuitively, it saves money for them. But just because it would make sense for them to do that, doesn't mean you can state that they do indeed do stuff like that, and state that as an absolute.
If you have reasons, please show me reasons, because I'm pretty uninitiated on this specific topic.

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OMG! Does anyone remember the FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER?

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never bow.

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That's a beach

Also, Cnet is what I use to play Red Alert online. I like Britain so I can be lazy with recon.

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Looks like a blood clot from a dead vaxxie.


I would like to know what it actually is.

Attached: lolvaxxies.png (1219x525, 547.64K)

Its a Vax Clot

its probably this

Attached: diosmio.png (998x542, 890.57K)

The vaxoid gravemind.

>They found an alien tumbleweed. What are the political implications?

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