What's the actual level of this

So, I'm discussing the "died suddenly" phenomenon that appears to be occurring in the COVID vaccinated population. From the sports stars collapsing with heart attacks to the news readers suddenly keeling over stone dead, it looks pretty bad.

But I can't work out the actual current death rate. Any brainy cunt able to estimate the rate of death currently and intelligently forecast the likely timeline of VAX death?

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Other urls found in this thread:


0/100 death rate
get vaccioned

average iq

We are about +10-20% > than average in non-covid mortality.

The obfuscation of information is serious, at this point its still largely piecing things together individually. once the all cause mortality statistics from the end of 21 through the end of 22, then the evidence will be clear, but probably too matter late by that point.
>Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta's top killer:

>No, a sharp fall in Germany's birth rate isn't proof that vaccines cause infertility

Somewhere 6-11 years after first dose will be peak deaths.

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>We are about +10-20% > than average in non-covid mortality.
Is it going to get worse?
>The obfuscation of information is serious
No shit. I knew definitively first hand when they started cooking the books to exaggerate the "COVID" deaths, so obviously this kind of massive blatant fraud was the new normal.

> (OP)
>0/100 death rate
>get vaccioned
Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,
Wore your mask and took your tests.
Still got COVID, every strain,
Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,
"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"
Proteins tangle and misfold,
Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,
"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"
There's no cure for microclot,
Getting worse with every shot.

Heart attack at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.
Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,
Doctor says, "that means it's working."

Died of SADS at 27,
All good vaxxies go to heaven.
Obituary headline noted:
"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."

His family is quite upset,
But they're alive, at least on net.
And, they say, "it's for the better,"
Without the vax "he would be deader."

Based on the following presentation, a California school board voted 3:1 in favor of rescinding vaccine mandates:


Read the real science why a leaky vax accelerates new viral mutants, original antigenic sin (OAS), antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), antibiotic resistance, cytokine storms and more...


Give it a rest bong. Try to get over it, you lost. Move on with your life.
t. Triple vaxed Chad

Makes up long and terrible poems about people who took a vaccine that he refused to take.
Peak seethe.

>AFL just quietly removed their vaccine mandate for players after multiple on-field heart issues this season and rumors of a public revolt amongst the players
safe and effective

>t. Triple vaxed Chad
You getting the next booster, mate?

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lol triggered by copypasta

Honestly shut up. If it wasn't for us willing to risk a safe and effective vaccine you'd still be locked down

it's climate change

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Follow Edward Dowd on Getter

(recently banned on Twitter indicating he tells unconformable truths)


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>Is it going to get worse?
I would imagine if they continue trying to force boosters yes. Then there's the completely unknown longterm effects.

Now there's a new babykiller in town, too.


On the left here we have spent billions on research and tech that will give you a fighting chance to go symptomless when you catch the Wuhanbugs.
And on the right here we have Autism Poet, and boy if he isn't catchy.

Choose your fighter!

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (sads) sounds like the biggest cope

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Covid is fake and gay, just like you. You jumped through hoops like a trained monkey for the equivalent of a media driven cold. You failed the simplest of intelligence tests. You will die, possibly very soon, of vax related complications.

>Get vacationed.

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Didn't the Pfizer docs estimate 3%?

>go symptomless when you catch the Wuhanbugs.
Trade 1 day of the cold for fucked T cells for life? Hard pass.

So you're unvaccinated then

Seems pretty safe and effective to me

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You say that now but when you're on a ventilator gasping for air you'll wish you just manned up

Those numbers don't add up


>Dr Wong says autopsies have shown the virus could be confused with sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS.

holeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuuck




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16% i guess in UK according to this cunt