I have trained myself for the past 3 years to live an ascetic life...

I have trained myself for the past 3 years to live an ascetic life. I can function on as little as 600 calories per day (6ft 170lbs), and other than food only consume weed, coffee, and water. Inflation will not affect me one bit.

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>I have trained myself for the past 3 years to live an ascetic life. I can function on as little as 600 calories per day (6ft 170lbs), and other than food only consume weed, coffee, and water. Inflation will not affect me one bit.

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Based autarky user

good one

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You eat 36 boiled eggs a day?

>You WILL eat the bowl of eggs
No eggs are too high in cholesterol to be a staple food source. More than one egg a day is asking for heart problems. I intermittint fast daily, usually do not eat until the last 6 hours I am awake.

That's bullshit talk. Even duing the depression people ate eggs and drank milk, even bread. And not the whole grain kind, imagine that. One thing is asceticism, I respect that. But it's another to deny the body and mind sufficient food and input. One thing is healthy, the other is an obsession.

Are you me?

> i only need 10 calories and can totally function
> i dont eat myself and lose weight no no no
> posting bullshit on pol is my hobby

People can't keep on weight if they eat less than a thousand and a half calories a day, there's no way in hell unless he's eating heavy metals to keep on weight. HFCS is loaded with mercury.

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I've done this. It's not ideal.

Eating 1200cal every other day is better.

I suspect eating 1800+ cal every third day and living a constant rolling 3day fast might actually be optimal. One day fasts get the malnutrition without the magic.

I'm not saying it is bad to eat them, I'm just saying they aren't good for heart health and you can literally see that by just reading the back of an egg carton man. Two eggs are 150% your DV of cholesterol. I am already operating at 1/4 daily recommendation, so I can only take in 1/4th of my DV of cholesterol, make sense?

>meme flag
>mad hes a fat fuck that cant control his own body
ngmi bro, you will kill children for chocolate when the jews flip the switch

what are you for twigs, i regularly work out and i need atleast 2500. i weigh 180 pounds. air doesnt work for me i need solid raw meat and eggs and milk.

I eat when I'm hungry

>an ascetic life
>sensual pleasures
yeah, nah

Same here OP. Same here.


What’s your diet and exercise routine?

Ist that gif from 2011? that was 20 years ago

what do you mean "need"? You don't need them, you crave it. My weight has not changed and I have been fasting for well over 3 years, it fluctuates about 5 pounds depending on the season.

>monks dont drink tea or smoke weed
You might be actually retarded. There is not a single religion where smoking weed is a sin, it is considered a conduit to the spiritual realm and used for relefection by every religion on earth

Checked and came here to post this exact thing. Even posting on the net is far from it.

All I know is that op is either lying or using vegetable oil for calories to keep on weight thinking cholesterol causes heart disease like a subhuman robot.

I am obese, as is my wife and children...
Even if we cannot afford food for the next 18months we will survive inflation.

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Hate to break it to you but that’s not really ascetism. 600 calories is a tight restriction sure, but indulging in marijuana is far from leading an ascetic’s life. But hey you do you.

>Ist that gif from 2011
It might be earlier honestly. It's fucking ancient.

Eggs are healthy and high cholesterol is propaganda/marketing

jesus christo

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>There is not a single religion where smoking weed is a sin, it is considered a conduit to the spiritual realm and used for relefection by every religion on earth
Explain how weed connects me to the spiritual realm?

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Prison tier workouts (pullups burpees etc) and cardio 3 days a week. My main stapes are oats, jasmine rice, red and black beans, fish, chicken, beef. Usually skip meat every other day.

Name one religion where smoking weed is forbidden, I will wait.

i am simply a millionaire

It elevates your mind beyond the material plane and allows you to be able to percieve higher, spiritual pathways.
>things God gave us for a reason, like coffee and weed, are actually degenerate, because I said so
yeah fuck off

They say I should get my body moving to lose weight... But to be honest. If inflation gets worse I'ma need my fat reserves.

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Male bodies are unfortunate. Dicks look so weird.

those are appetite suppressants though

Mate if inflation keeps going well all be millionaires.

one leads an ascetic life by denying oneself pleasures
you enjoy weed, and by succumbing to that sense-pleasure, you forego the claim of living an ascetic life
justify it to yourself however you wish, but ask yourself if you truly wish to live an ascetic life devoid of earthly pleasures, or if you rather wish only to tell yourself (and other people) that you do as a product of your ego, whilst still enjoying your coffee and drugs

>uses the internet

True but my health is nearly perfect, I have insane amounts of energy everyday at 30 and can work for 14 hours straight of backbreaking labor. But once I eat I am a fat lazy animal who doesnt want to move.

That's not as impressive as you might thing anymore

>consumes only 600 calories per day
>smokes weed

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Nope trying to help people understand they must change their lives in the future, and some will not be able to take the change of taking things away from their life, and it will take their lives.

Not that it’s forbidden, but partaking in sensory pleasures is the opposite of asceticism. You want to go full ascetic a la Hindu yogis, you eat a bowl of rice a day and meditate under trees and shit. I’m not knocking you for your lifestyle choice, and again consuming only 600 calories is impressive but overall damaging to your body.

how very noble of you
let's all of us continue to live our ascetic lives of dunkin' donuts and heroin


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>if you rather wish only to tell yourself (and other people) that you do as a product of your ego, whilst still enjoying your coffee and drugs
OP is severely ego driven. They believe they know everything already. It's quite sad but it's about par for the modern person believing they can reach earthly divinity through yoga after a Starbux sugary drink or "smoking weed elevates your mind dude" while posting about it online. I can only feel sadness that this is what we've degenerated to. I too, once fell into these traps. My problem was that I didn't full trust the great teachers to understand modern times however the reality is that they understood the human mind all too well.

>medical industry seething
I havent taken a pill since I was someones dependent, and that is thanks to weed
>get covid
>smoke a bong
>no more covid 2 days later

yes, user, you got me
I'm a medical shill for big pharma
and you're an ascetic monk who can survive purely on red bull and opium
well done you