Why is Africa an absolute hellhole of a continent?

Why is Africa an absolute hellhole of a continent?

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Dont lump north africa and horn of africa with sub saharan africa you dumb mutt.

Low IQ and predator loans.

All the equivalent African men to the "Founding Fathers" were ripped from their homes and sold





Nah you're

combo breaker

fuck racism

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Its not & you would know if you had been there.
Africa is actually the most beautiful continent on this Earth, problem being its just full of nogs.
Get rid of or control the nogs and its heaven, well that was Sth Africa 50 years ago....

kys sandnigger

wow, to imagine there is step lower than latrine america

Wat? The retards were sold by the smarter apes.

>fuck racism
found a pic of you

Attached: doxxed.jpg (536x305, 34.68K)

Jarvis, look up percent population black in Africa and correlate with us crime statistics.

but somalis are niggers

Africans are literally a different species from asians and caucasians. They split from the rest very early on and there has been little development of advanced social structures since the early split. There has been extensive mixing of peoples from the Azores to Netherlands, Finland to Egypt, but the subsaharan are more of the original species, like the abbos in Australia.

The whole 'out of africa' is bulshit as explained more clearly by that Sepehr guy

purely economic factors

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>different species
no. if true, viable and fertile offspring couldn't come from race mixing.
here's a better argument.
Africa is a shithole place to live. tens of thousands of years of natural selection favored traits of savageness over civility. the best example of this is comparing the European honeybee to the african honeybee. they are so violent of a species that they are part of a reason why flamethrowers (oversized torches) are legal in the US.

Two major reasons, with a lot of smaller reasons too. Good intentions, lack of foresight. Before the evil white man showed up Africa was essentially in harmony with nature, for 100,000's of years.
So the two main players that fucked up Africa were missionaries and Bill Gates. Missionaries came and built up Africa (schools, roads, hospitals, churches), and spread the word of whatever they were teaching. Bill Gates came with the soul intention of lowering birth rates increasing life expectancy.
These put Africa out of sync because now you got a run away population explosion with no ability to contain it because the Missionaries are teaching against birth control. So it's a fucking shit show and they have projections that its only going to get exponentially worse.

So Africa should be isolated from the rest of the world like Sentinel island off the coast of India.

that’s disgusting, what’s with germans and beastiality