Lessons for /newfags/

Multiculturalism destroys cultures.
The reason why multiculturalism is pushed is to achieve a one world culture so it is easy to rule.
If you appreciate cultures and want them to survive it is only logical to endorse segregation whether it be heavily enforced or merely encouraged.

Newfags and lurkers are welcome to post and discuss. Please share your opinion on racial segregation.

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Why can't we pump those white numbers up to 100%?

Monocultures are easier to rule. Each new culture added to the mix increases the complexity of the system by N+1. Diversity just confuses and overloads the system. It's by design, though.

even the trees hate the niggers

Niggers have been part of American culture before America even existed

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It's just about sex. If women run the country you get a smorgasbord of cocks like in western countries, if men run the country you get mail-order brides like in eastern countries. The low-value men crying about refugees are the same as the Swedish feminists bitching about imported Thai wives. Ugly and mediocre people feel threatened by the idea of a competitive free market sexual marketplace, so they make up obtuse altruistic larps that let them aggressively defend their genetic desire for survival while preserving the ego image they try to maintain in front of others.

Did you ever notice that for your entire life, you were told "diversity is our strength", but not once have they ever told you what about diversity is strong?

Women have rights

You could, but you would need heavily enforced segregation laws, which are not required for effective segregation. Cultures/Races self-congregate. It should also be noted that when someone tells a person they cant do something they tend to want to do it.

The Jews paid the slave traders vast fortunes to ship them in because it was cheaper than trying to recruit European settlers to work the plantation

I would say absolutely not. First of all, iti is illogical to think only one culture existed at that time. Furthermore no historical record indicates black Americans made significant cultural contributions until John Brown/Fredrick Douglas era .... which was done more as compassion than an actual representation. folks like Douglas learned from their white betters and tried desperately to insert themselves into white culture.

Jews complete the trifecta of America culture

This message can be highjacked to encourage segregation.

>sex sex sex sex sex
Holy fuck I hate you cooooom brainers

Alexander Hamilton was black. I saw it for myself in NYC

Black communities and culture were much different back then.

>The reason why multiculturalism is pushed is to achieve a one world culture so it is easy to rule.
The ruling class are too short sighted for this. They would like it, but it's not something they could invest in at the expense of short-term fitness. The short-term reason they push multiculturalism is to exploit the economics of democracy.

Democracies are markets.
Votes are the currency used to purchase representation.
Like all markets, democracy is government by laws of supply and demand.
The supply side is the political class and the demand side is the voters.

1. Increase demand without increasing supply => supply side wins.
2. Decrease supply without decreasing demand => supply side wins.

Multiculturalism introduces more groups competing for representation, but doesn't increase the supply of representation, therefore it corresponds to (1) and benefits the political class. The more groups you have competing for the same supply of representation, the more a democratic society changes from politicians begging for votes (functional) to voters begging for representation (dysfunctional).

Globalism decreases the amount of independent states and thus reduces the supply of representation, but doesn't reduce the number of groups competing for representation, therefore it corresponds to (2) and also benefits the political class. The fewer representative bodies you have serving the same number of groups, the more a democratic society changes from politicians begging for votes (functional) to voters begging for representation (dysfunctional).

It is no coincidence that the political class in every democratic society is pushing both multiculturalism and globalism. They understand the economics of democracy, while most regular people think in terms of idealism.

The difference between this and the mechanism mentioned in the OP is that this is explains why multicultural globalism is advantageous in the short term too. You don't need to actually succeed in the long term goal of creating a worldwide mutt dystopia, as long as you are moving in that direction in the short term, the political class are winning against the people they are meant to represent in the short term.

>Monocultures are easier to rule.
It's the opposite if you are trying to maintain the premise/illusion/etc of democracy.

Democratic systems are inherently competitive.
There are two independent modes of democratic competition.

1. Candidates compete with candidates for votes.
2. Voters compete with voters for representation.

Which mode dominates determines who a nominally democratic system serves. If (1) dominates, then the nominally democratic system serves the voters. If (2) dominates then the nominally democratic system serves the political class. This is because the side that has the competition is the begging side, while the side without the competition is the choosing side. Nominal democracy serves the voters when the political class beg for votes. Nominal democracy serves the political class when the voters beg for representation.

You can see voters begging for representation all around you. Everyone on both the left and the right despairs at how the mainstream parties don't represent them, and long for a savior to show up and provide them with the representation they beg for. This happens because multiculturalism causes the voter-voter competition mode to become more dominant, and the candidate-candidate competition mode to become less dominant.

yeah, instead of rap they had trumpets. pretty much the same everywhere else.