Nordicist bros

How do you explain Northern Europe's history of underdevelopment? How come brown people were building gigantic pyramids/zigurats and developing writing, astronomy, and math while blondes were living like Bantu savages in the woods?

Inb4 "We Wuz" posting

Attached: giza-pyramids-Håga-mound.jpg (1873x602, 138.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Europe was covered on ice due to the last glaciation and agriculture couldn't support millions of serfs. When climate driven agriculture was replaced by brain driven industry cold countries dominated the world

civilization was born in anatolia and arrived in egypt before gayreece, then rome forced it on the snowniggers up north

when egyptians build the pyramids aliens were alerted, alarmed by the fact that earthlings were going from hunter gatherers to building the great pyramid in such a short time, they infected the earth with judaism to slow our advance,

that's why we're tik-toking instead of expanding into the galaxy in 2022

by taking the artifacts and claiming their your history

good answer but why didn't they build something at least somewhat big and made of stone? low population density?
what were the pyramids built for?

Which is why when Romans occupied Britain they did not build anyt- no wait that's a retarded premise, nevermind

Based post
Europe wasn't covered on ice while Ancient Egypt existed dude. Also, why is a Spanish (Med BVLLS) running cover for Nordics?

White slaves built all of that

>built for?
they were built for BB- no wait sorry wrong thread

White man lives rent free. No one is stopping you niggers from making Africa great again, except yourselves.

>Europe wasn't covered on ice while Ancient Egypt existed dude. Also, why is a Spanish (Med BVLLS) running cover for Nordics?
True but ice was so close that the south of france was like norway or siberia is now. Warming was slow and took a lot of time
Because they had all the support from warmer zones that brits didn't have

Exactly; whites were and are still slaves

>had all the support
that's demented, they did not fucking ship grain, material etc from Italy to Britain, the province was largely economically self sufficient and could build its own shit
>the south of france was like Siberia
You are legit dumb as shit, stop posting, I feel second hand embarassment for you

>good answer but why didn't they build something at least somewhat big and made of stone? low population density?
Yes both low population and low popuation density.
>why is a Spanish (Med BVLLS) running cover for Nordics?
I'll rather side with nordcucks than with shitskins or chinks

Inhabited later.

>memeflag takes a shot at Whites, the only real humans and the only ones who ever did anything of note
Enjoy the free herbs subhuman
You will never be White

Bottoming isn't siding, user...

>>the south of france was like Siberia
As I said it took time to warm up since the last glacial maximum

Attached: LGM.jpg (815x366, 33.32K)

>Exactly; whites were and are still slaves

Attached: Slave Market in Ancient Rome, by Jean-Léon Gérôme.jpg (1625x1346, 311.64K)

>they did not fucking ship grain
Romans shipped everything from anywhere to anywhere. They had a bazaar economy based on trade. Still to this day Brits import food from our countries

How do you explain your memeflag? Then I'll answer your question.

Europeans built both

>last glacial maximum
>posts that fucking map with the adriatic and dogger bank still not submerged (20k+ years ago)
>to explain things that were going on IN THE FUCKING OLD KINGDOM OF EGYPT (4k ca years ago)
You are a fucking retarded nigger monkey, stop fucking posting retard

This was the average German/Celt during the entire existence of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Classical Rome. Let that sink in...

Attached: illiterate-nordic-indio_edit.jpg (600x768, 62.98K)

The Brits would mine and ship Tin in Cornwell and was shipped to phoenicians

These are Picts.

Pretty spot on, but you're missing some key elements.

They shipped a log of shit where your brain used to be as well, Roman Britain was agriculturally self sufficient
Fucking neolithic farmers in 1000bc+ had deforested much of England and tilled a massive % of the soil and here you come screaming "HURR DURR ENGLAND NEEDED FARM FROM THE MED BRO CUZ OF THE LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM 20K YEARS AGO"
You retarded nigger monkey

Bad perspective
Scroll through this video to get an idea of a good post to write
TL;Dr ancient structures worldwide are linked by geo-locational maths. The maths is hardcoded into the structures and you can work backwards to find the latitude and longitude of the other structures down the many decimal places. It turns out all you have to do is make giza the centre point and go from there

>proves subhuman iq by major misidentification
> or simply another disingenuous subhuman memeflag faggot muddying the waters on purpose

Attached: 1620264054998.jpg (1024x712, 92.6K)

>was shipped to phoenicians
The Phoenicians sailed to Britain. Meanwhile, it took almost two thousand years for the Scandos to sail into the Mediterranean. Plus, the Spanish and Portuguese did the Age of Exploration almost on their own

Attached: Phoenicians – Sea People Of The Ancient Middle East.jpg (992x744, 228.68K)

We nordics are not some strange race. We are germanic. Simply put we are people who probably got kicked out of the German area and forced to migrate north. Couldn't migrate east because of Slavs and not west because of Gauls. So we had to go north.

Then we lived as hunter gatherers for a while until some people decided that we couldnt hunt in certain forests or fish in certain rivers. So those people had to go on boats and raid others. For swedes, we went east. Raped and killed finns and baltic people. The norwegians and danish went west to rape and kill english and french people.

There is nothing impressive about us other than blonde, white skin and blue eyes features. We only inherited the german autism gene for work. So that is why we got some succesful industries and scientific accomplishments.

>Burger Posting
Provide proof that Ancient Scandos were as advanced as Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans or go back to McDonalds, Burger Bro

>Civilisation was born in Anatolia and arrived in Egypt...
Actually user civilisation was born many many thousands of years ago, we repeatedly get fucked by mass cataclysms on around a 12,000 year cycle as of recently, the extent of the damage is severe that only a literal dot on earth is a survivable place. We start again. The reason I sent you the video it to show you that we've lost more than we've gained. Don't fool yourself

>Raped and killed finns
That is exceedingly based

Seriously, do you think ice melts and tundra is suddenly arable and just that with no further processes involved? By 4k years ago Egypt was BOTH populated and warm/arable since 600k years ago, while Europe by 4k years ago just became both populated and arable

Attached: 80e0c2cbec5f7448457ad34f390e0c4d.jpg (641x593, 89.41K)