What will be your position after the "Ethno-state" is achieved

So I stole this from the faggot communists I saw in another thread.
But whats really different? Is there any difference between "our dream" and "their dream"? yes they dream of gulags , I guess most of us just dream of our own space away from them.

But is there any real difference besides the fact that we hate each-other?
What would be your role in our society

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Other urls found in this thread:


>communists want to kill white people and fuck niggers
>white nationalists want to have a stable society, raise children, and kill communists
>it's basically the same thing
You sound like an American centrist right now.

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It's not about being a 'party member' or 'bureaucrat' in an ethnostate, it's about being safe, it's about having a destiny, it's about living in a place that want its citizens to grow, no matter what they do. I could be a farmer and it would still be better

>Hello user Im Eva, dont you want to tell me all about what ype of man I can expect it the ethno-state?

Attached: Eva78362415ecb465eccc09066707bfd62c.png (1000x1250, 1.91M)

Yeah maybe I dont really have a position in this yet myself. It sparked my curiosity.

hot bitch


Probably fertilizer.

Stop sending missionaries to Africa, you fucking idiot.

Because there would be no jews or niggers or trannys they would likely become really bored because currently they spend all their time complaining about jews and niggers and trannys. I would offer a service where I'd dress up as a jewish nigger tranny and they could yell at me for money

"After the ethnostate" is exactly the same larp shit as "after communism"

Now, that's a real question. One of the two big important questions, instead of "will x be allowed" chattering.

1) What YOU gonna do IF it is achieved?
2) How do you plan to achieve it.

Now, the third question would be: how the fuck were all historical majority white nations not some sort of utopia (Ukraine, despite being khazarred/gypsied, is still 95% white, but is a fucking shithole), and how do we make the new ethnostate a better place.

Oh, and also, how do we prevent it from degrading and collapsing, like all systems eventually do.

If communists killed all the white people there would be no communists. Maybe a couple of Asian communists but they're harmless when not provoked

>What will be my position?
Probably what I do now but without kikes or trannies annoying me and stealing my money. So, veteran (after the war, of course) and IT guy/ hobbyist editor and artist. Pretty much I just want the life I have now but much better.

I unironically don't care. Even working as a coal miner or in a waste water processing facility and coming home smelling like shit every day would be worth not having niggers ruining society.

Y'all will serve the

>our society
Exterminating (jou)

90% Shitskins and females are by nature communists as all they want is gibs if not forced to work by whites or local aristocracy

HAHAHAHA , you born in the 80s`user?Yeah dööööh its Good-girl-Eva ffs.

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>t. Dravidian

Women in male clothing are cringe

I'd probably be a roofer as I am now, but I'd like to do lectures on metaphysics and the importance of personal spirituality on my own time.

This thread actually has potential. Sometimes I think about what life would be like after the civil war. Probably America would get partitioned and we'd end up living in some subset of the former United States, basically starting up our own nation. A lot I think would be "inherited" from whatever businesses/infrastructure was leftover in our new country, and I always kind of figured I'd do my best to see how I could contribute. I'm an engineer and i work in defense so maybe i'd end up doing something similar for the new nation. or run for some type of political office, who knows.

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Based niche job creator

Im wagon-loads whiter than you pavel.
Checked, biut fuck them and fuck that. What would YOU do in the ethno-state pavel-user?
Close your eyes, imagine your transformed into - "Ze Ethno-state". What do you see? What would be your role?

Also, what environment did you see when you imagined the "ze state" ? ... Im curious to know about your vision since the spirits may be guiding you.

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Masturbating onto the corpses of dead jews.
It is going to be my full-time job.

Something in the field of electrical power.
If not, I'll just do documentation. Everyone always commends me on the quality of the reports (and any document now that I think of it) I make.